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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Display Technology Lets Lcds Produce Princess Leia-Style Holograms
From ACM News

New Display Technology Lets Lcds Produce Princess Leia-Style Holograms

During a famous scene in Star Wars, Princess Leia has R2D2 play a holographic video message in midair in which she pleads for help from Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the near...

Internet of Dna
From ACM News

Internet of Dna

Noah is a six-year-old suffering from a disorder without a name.

Magic Leap
From ACM News

Magic Leap

Logically, I know there isn’t a hulking four-armed, twisty-horned blue monster clomping in circles in front of me, but it sure as hell looks like it.

Our Fear of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Our Fear of Artificial Intelligence

Years ago I had coffee with a friend who ran a startup.

A Speedy Wireless Protocol Is Coming to Many Gadgets
From ACM News

A Speedy Wireless Protocol Is Coming to Many Gadgets

Smartphones, tablets and PCs should appear this year that can send and receive data wirelessly more than 10 times faster than a Wi-Fi connection.

The Algorithm That Unscrambles Fractured Images
From ACM News

The Algorithm That Unscrambles Fractured Images

Take a hammer to a mirror and you will fracture the image it produces as well as the glass.

Nvidia Demos a Car Computer Trained with 'deep Learning'
From ACM News

Nvidia Demos a Car Computer Trained with 'deep Learning'

Many cars now include cameras or other sensors that record the passing world and trigger intelligent behavior, such as automatic braking or steering to avoid an...

New Form of Memory Could Advance Brain-Inspired Computers
From ACM News

New Form of Memory Could Advance Brain-Inspired Computers

A new form of computer memory might help machines match the capabilities of the human brain when it comes to tasks such as interpreting images or video footage.

2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence

The holy grail of artificial intelligence—creating software that comes close to mimicking human intelligence—remains far off. But 2014 saw major strides in machine...

Robobrain: The World's First Knowledge Engine For Robots
From ACM News

Robobrain: The World's First Knowledge Engine For Robots

One of the most exciting changes influencing modern life is the ability to search and interact with information on a scale that has never been possible before.

Artificial Skin That Senses, and Stretches, Like the Real Thing
From ACM News

Artificial Skin That Senses, and Stretches, Like the Real Thing

Some high-tech prosthetic limbs can be controlled by their owners, using nerves, muscles, or even the brain. However, there's no way for the wearer to tell if an...

'nanobuds' Could Turn Almost Any Surface Into a Touch Sensor
From ACM News

'nanobuds' Could Turn Almost Any Surface Into a Touch Sensor

Transparent films containing carbon nanobuds—molecular tubes of carbon with ball-like appendages—could turn just about any surface, regardless of its shape, into...

Who Owns the Biggest Biotech Discovery of the Century?
From ACM News

Who Owns the Biggest Biotech Discovery of the Century?

Last month in Silicon Valley, biologists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier showed up in black gowns to receive the $3 million Breakthrough Prize, a glitzy...

Google's Intelligence Designer
From ACM Careers

Google's Intelligence Designer

Demis Hassabis started playing chess at age four and soon blossomed into a child prodigy.

3-D-Printing Bio-Electronic Parts
From ACM News

3-D-Printing Bio-Electronic Parts

A 3-D printer can already make a prototype or spare part out of metal or polymer.

How Google 'translates' Pictures Into Words ­sing Vector Space Mathematics
From ACM News

How Google 'translates' Pictures Into Words ­sing Vector Space Mathematics

Translating one language into another has always been a difficult task.

Machine-Learning Algorithm Ranks the World's Most Notable Authors
From ACM TechNews

Machine-Learning Algorithm Ranks the World's Most Notable Authors

New software automatically ranks authors and creators whose work is in the public domain by how likely they are to be of interest to academics and the public. 

Fmri Data Reveals the Number of Parallel Processes Running in the Brain
From ACM News

Fmri Data Reveals the Number of Parallel Processes Running in the Brain

The human brain is often described as a massively parallel computing machine. That raises an interesting question: just how parallel is it?

How Wikipedia Data Is Revolutionizing Flu Forecasting
From ACM News

How Wikipedia Data Is Revolutionizing Flu Forecasting

This time last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta launched a competition to find the best way to forecast the characteristics of the...

Random Image Experiment Reveals The Building Blocks of Human Imagination
From ACM News

Random Image Experiment Reveals The Building Blocks of Human Imagination

Here's a curious experiment.
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