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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Software Predicts Tomorrow's News By Analyzing Today's and Yesterday's

Researchers have created software that predicts when and where disease outbreaks might occur based on two decades of New York Times articles and other online data...

How Google Plans to Find the ­ngoogleable
From ACM News

How Google Plans to Find the ­ngoogleable

From ACM News

Say Hello, or 你好, to China’s Siri

You might not have heard of iFlyTek. The company is hardly a household name in its domestic market of China, either.

The Measurement that Would Reveal the Universe as a Computer Simulation
From ACM News

The Measurement that Would Reveal the Universe as a Computer Simulation

One of modern physics' most cherished ideas is quantum chromodynamics, the theory that describes the strong nuclear force, how it binds quarks and gluons into protons...

Google Puts Its Virtual Brain Technology to Work
From ACM TechNews

Google Puts Its Virtual Brain Technology to Work

Google's recently developed learning software, which can identify specific objects by watching YouTube videos, is now being used to make Google's products smarter...

A Robot Takes Stock
From ACM News

A Robot Takes Stock

The short figure creeping around the Carnegie Mellon University campus store in a hooded sweatshirt recently isn't some shoplifter, but a robot taking inventory...

An Online Encyclopedia That Writes Itself
From ACM TechNews

An Online Encyclopedia That Writes Itself

DARPA recently collaborated with Raytheon BBN researchers to develop a system that can follow global news events and provide intelligence analysts with useful summaries...

Three Questions For Patti Maes
From ACM TechNews

Three Questions For Patti Maes

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Patti Maes recently spoke with Technology Review to discuss the future of mobile technology.  

Verizon Envisions 4g Wireless in Just About Anything
From ACM News

Verizon Envisions 4g Wireless in Just About Anything

Tucked away in a new office block in Waltham, Massachusetts, is a kind of wireless Tomorrowland.

From ACM News

Software Translates Your Voice Into Another Language

Researchers at Microsoft have made software that can learn the sound of your voice, and then use it to speak a language that you don't.

Algorithm Uses Photo Networks to Reveal Your Hometown
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Uses Photo Networks to Reveal Your Hometown

There is growing evidence that information gleaned from online social networks can be processed and used in ways to gain an accurate profile of an individual.

Turing's Enduring Importance
From ACM News

Turing's Enduring Importance

When Alan Turing was born 100 years ago, on June 23, 1912, a computer was not a thing—it was a person.

Embodiment, Computation and the Nature of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Embodiment, Computation and the Nature of Artificial Intelligence

Although many AI researchers have adopted the idea that true intelligence requires a body, known as embodiment, a growing group of researchers, led by the University...

Twitter Bots Create Surprising New Social Connections
From ACM TechNews

Twitter Bots Create Surprising New Social Connections

A group of freelance Web researchers have created a Twitter bot, called a socialbot, that can fool users into thinking the bots are real people and serve as virtual...

From ACM News

Europe's Driverless Car (driver Still Required)

Tucked away in the basement of an iconic office tower shaped like four engine cylinders, engineer Werner Huber is telling me about the joy of driving.

Does Apple's Siri Threaten Google's Search Monopoly?
From ACM News

Does Apple's Siri Threaten Google's Search Monopoly?

The future of search may look a little like Kirsten Goldenberg, a 14-year-old high-school student in Los Angeles. When she needs help with a homework problem,...

From ACM News

Will the Kinect 2 Be Able to Read Your Lips?

How will users hack this one? The Kinect is a device that inherently grows and expands: Microsoft itself has come around to acknowledging that the oft-hackedreally...

Google and Microsoft Talk Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Google and Microsoft Talk Artificial Intelligence

Google and Microsoft don't share a stage often, being increasingly fierce competitors in areas such as Web search, mobile, and cloud computing. But the rivals...

From ACM Opinion

The Singularity Isn't Near

 Futurists like Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil have argued that the world is rapidly approaching a tipping point, where the accelerating pace of smarter and smarter...

Giving Prosthetics a Sense of Touch
From ACM News

Giving Prosthetics a Sense of Touch

Brain-machine interfaces have made it possible for monkeys and some humans to control robotic limbs using just their thoughts. But ideally, a person using an...
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