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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Growing Threat of Network-Based Steganography
From ACM TechNews

The Growing Threat of Network-Based Steganography

Researchers have uncovered Duqu, an unusual form of steganography-based malware that embeds itself in Microsoft Windows machines.

How Can a Civilian Plane Accidentally Be Shot Down?
From ACM News

How Can a Civilian Plane Accidentally Be Shot Down?

Pro-Russian separatists may have shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine on Thursday because they mistook the civilian plane for something else...

Self-Assembly Shows Promise for Extending Moore's Law
From ACM News

Self-Assembly Shows Promise for Extending Moore's Law

These are challenging times for computer chip engineers.

Israeli Rocket Defense System Is Failing at Crucial Task, Expert Analysts Say
From ACM News

Israeli Rocket Defense System Is Failing at Crucial Task, Expert Analysts Say

A Speech Synthesizer Direct to the Brain
From ACM News

A Speech Synthesizer Direct to the Brain

Could a person who is paralyzed and unable to speak, like physicist Stephen Hawking, use a brain implant to carry on a conversation?

Can Software Make Health Data More Private?
From ACM TechNews

Can Software Make Health Data More Private?

New software could give people more control over how their personal health information is shared between doctors and medical institutions. 

Ibm: Commercial Nanotube Transistors Are Coming Soon
From ACM News

Ibm: Commercial Nanotube Transistors Are Coming Soon

For more than a decade, engineers have been fretting that they are running out of tricks for continuing to shrink silicon transistors.

The Space-Based Quantum Cryptography Race
From ACM News

The Space-Based Quantum Cryptography Race

One of the great benefits of quantum communication is the ability to send messages from one point in space to another with perfect security.

Ray Kurzweil Says He's Breathing Intelligence Into Google Search
From ACM Opinion

Ray Kurzweil Says He's Breathing Intelligence Into Google Search

The big announcements at Google's I/O event in San Francisco Wednesday didn't mention Web search, the technology that got the company started and made it so successful...

The Thought Experiment
From ACM News

The Thought Experiment

I was about 15 minutes late for my first phone call with Jan Scheuermann.

Neuroscience's New Toolbox
From ACM News

Neuroscience's New Toolbox

The hypothalamus is a small structure deep in the brain that, among other functions, coördinates sensory inputs—the appearance of a rival, for example—with instinctual...

How Ebay's Research Laboratories Are Tackling the Tricky Task of Fashion Recommendations
From ACM Careers

How Ebay's Research Laboratories Are Tackling the Tricky Task of Fashion Recommendations

If you've ever puzzled over what to wear in the morning, you might also have wondered whether you could leave the choice to an algorithm that could recommend a...

Apple's New Programming Language, Swift, Will Lure More Developers
From ACM TechNews

Apple's New Programming Language, Swift, Will Lure More Developers

Apple has unveiled a new programming language it says offers a faster, easier way to build software for Apple products than its predecessor, Objective-C. 

How Statisticians Found Air France Flight 447 Two Years After It Crashed Into Atlantic
From ACM News

How Statisticians Found Air France Flight 447 Two Years After It Crashed Into Atlantic

"In the early morning hours of June 1, 2009, Air France Flight AF 447, with 228 passengers and crew aboard, disappeared during stormy weather over the Atlantic...

How the ­.s. Could Escalate Its Name-and-Shame Campaign Against China's Espionage
From ACM Opinion

How the ­.s. Could Escalate Its Name-and-Shame Campaign Against China's Espionage

Earlier this week the U.S. Department of Justice indicted five Chinese military officers for industrial espionage, accusing them of leading attacks on the computers...

Three Questions with the Man Leading Baidu's New AI Effort
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions with the Man Leading Baidu's New AI Effort

Artificial intelligence is guided by the far-off goal of having software match humans at important tasks.

The Emerging Science of Superspreaders (and How to Tell If You're One of Them)
From ACM News

The Emerging Science of Superspreaders (and How to Tell If You're One of Them)

Who are the most influential spreaders of information on a network?

Do We Need Asimov's Laws?
From ACM News

Do We Need Asimov's Laws?

In 1942, the science fiction author Isaac Asimov published a short story called Runaround in which he introduced three laws that governed the behaviour of robots...

­sing ­ltrasound to Feel Virtual Objects
From ACM News

­sing ­ltrasound to Feel Virtual Objects

A startup called Ultrahaptics aims to make gesture control and virtual reality more engaging by using ultrasound waves to let you feel like you’re touching virtual...

Increasingly, Robots of All Sizes Are Human Workmates
From ACM News

Increasingly, Robots of All Sizes Are Human Workmates

Most industrial robots are far less friendly than the Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, which is safe enough to be a surprisingly popular means of feline transportation...
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