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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cheaper Joints and Digits Bring the Robot Revolution Closer
From ACM News

Cheaper Joints and Digits Bring the Robot Revolution Closer

The Atlas humanoid robot, unveiled last year by Boston Dynamics, a company later acquired by Google, is a marvel.

Spinoffs from Spyland
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Spinoffs from Spyland

It takes more than a little tradecraft to spin off a startup from the National Security Agency.

Three Questions For Leslie Lamport, Winner of Computing's Top Prize
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Leslie Lamport, Winner of Computing's Top Prize

This year's winner of the Turing Award—often referred to as the Nobel Prize of computing—was announced yesterday as Leslie Lamport, a computer scientist whose research...

Facebook Creates Software That Matches Faces Almost as Well as You Do
From ACM News

Facebook Creates Software That Matches Faces Almost as Well as You Do

Asked whether two unfamiliar photos of faces show the same person, a human being will get it right 97.53 percent of the time.

Virtual Reality Startups Look Back to the Future
From ACM Careers

Virtual Reality Startups Look Back to the Future

It's been almost 30 years since the computer scientist Jaron Lanier formed VPL Research, the first company to sell the high-tech goggles and gloves that once defined...

Mathematical Proof Reveals How To Make The Internet More Earthquake-Proof
From ACM News

Mathematical Proof Reveals How To Make The Internet More Earthquake-Proof

One of the common myths about the Internet is that it was originally designed during the Cold War to survive nuclear attack.

An Artificial Hand with Real Feeling
From ACM News

An Artificial Hand with Real Feeling

Igor Spetic's hand was in a fist when it was severed by a forging hammer three years ago as he made an aluminum jet part at his job.

Augmented Reality Gets to Work
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Augmented Reality Gets to Work

For Thomas Caudell, it started with a desire to make it easier to build airplanes.

Marginally ­seful
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Marginally ­seful

Bitcoin, a purely digital currency, is backed by no commodity and governed by no central bank, but it exists because a small number of humans have chosen to believe...

Yahoo Expands Research Labs in Search of Personalized, Mobile Experiences
From ACM Careers

Yahoo Expands Research Labs in Search of Personalized, Mobile Experiences

There are many conflicting opinions about what troubled Web giant Yahoo must do to turn itself around, but critics and company leaders at least agree on one thing...

A Robotic Hand, This Time with Feeling
From ACM News

A Robotic Hand, This Time with Feeling

A Dutch man who lost his left hand in a fireworks accident nine years ago is now able to feel different kinds of pressure on three fingers of a prosthetic, robotic...

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers with Fake Secrets
From ACM News

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers with Fake Secrets

Ari Juels, an independent researcher who was previously chief scientist at computer security company RSA, thinks something important is missing from the cryptography...

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?
From ACM Careers

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?

How much are a dozen deep-learning researchers worth?

How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future
From ACM Opinion

How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future

For all its success, Google's famous Page Rank algorithm has never understood a word of the billions of Web pages it has directed people to over the years.

Experimental Surgery Aims to Revive a Paralyzed Limb
From ACM News

Experimental Surgery Aims to Revive a Paralyzed Limb

Doctors will attempt to reanimate a patient’s paralyzed arm with a pioneering surgery that involves capturing signals from his brain and restoring movement through...

The Hottest Technology Not on Display at CES: Smart Radio Chips
From ACM News

The Hottest Technology Not on Display at CES: Smart Radio Chips

Beyond the glitz of the International Consumer Electronics Show, the wireless industry faces a fundamental problem: more features and faster data transmission are...

How Google Cracked House Number Identification in Street View
From ACM News

How Google Cracked House Number Identification in Street View

Google Street View has become an essential part of the online mapping experience.

How To Track Vehicles Using Speed Data Alone
From ACM News

How To Track Vehicles Using Speed Data Alone

Location is a key indicator of personal travel patterns and habits.

Thinking in Silicon
From ACM News

Thinking in Silicon

Picture a person reading these words on a laptop in a coffee shop.

Identifying Signs of Chronic Brain Injury in Living Football Players
From ACM News

Identifying Signs of Chronic Brain Injury in Living Football Players

Eight former pro football players learned this year that they have signs of a degenerative brain disorder called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a condition...
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