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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

An Artificial Hand with Real Feelings
From ACM News

An Artificial Hand with Real Feelings

There have been remarkable mechanical advances in prosthetic limbs in recent years, including rewiring nerve fibers to control sophisticated mechanical arms (see...

Diagnosis For ­nrealistic Technology Expectations
From ACM Opinion

Diagnosis For ­nrealistic Technology Expectations

The fiasco with the $600 million federal health insurance website wasn't all bureaucratic.

Stores Sniff Out Smartphones to Follow Shoppers
From ACM News

Stores Sniff Out Smartphones to Follow Shoppers

You've just tossed a jar of peanut butter in your grocery cart when your smartphone buzzes.

Ads Could Soon Know If You're an Introvert (on Twitter)
From ACM News

Ads Could Soon Know If You're an Introvert (on Twitter)

Trying to derive a person's wants and needs—conscious or otherwise—from online browsing and buying habits has become crucial to companies of all kinds.

Can Automated Editorial Tools Help Wikipedia's Declining Volunteer Workforce?
From ACM TechNews

Can Automated Editorial Tools Help Wikipedia's Declining Volunteer Workforce?

University College Dublin researchers have developed an algorithm that assesses the quality of Wikipedia pages based on the authoritativeness of the editors involved...

The Clever Circuit That Doubles Bandwidth
From ACM News

The Clever Circuit That Doubles Bandwidth

A startup spun out of Stanford says it has solved an age-old problem in radio communications with a new circuit and algorithm that allow data to be sent and received...

Driverless Cars Are Further Away Than You Think
From ACM Opinion

Driverless Cars Are Further Away Than You Think

A silver BMW 5 Series is weaving through traffic at roughly 120 kilometers per hour (75 mph) on a freeway that cuts northeast through Bavaria between Munich and...

The Secrets of Online Money Laundering
From ACM News

The Secrets of Online Money Laundering

Money laundering is increasingly becoming a cybercrime.

Graphics Chips Help Process Big Data Sets in Milliseconds
From ACM News

Graphics Chips Help Process Big Data Sets in Milliseconds

New software can use the graphics processors found on everyday computers to process torrents of data more quickly than is normally possible, opening up new ways...

In Search of the Next Boom, Developers Cram Their Apps Into Smart Watches
From ACM Careers

In Search of the Next Boom, Developers Cram Their Apps Into Smart Watches

The age of wearable computing is upon us.

Intel's Laser Chips Could Make Data Centers Run Better
From ACM News

Intel's Laser Chips Could Make Data Centers Run Better

Intel hopes to make computing far more efficient by introducing a technology that replaces conventional copper data cables with faster optical data links.

A Camera That Sees Like the Human Eye
From ACM News

A Camera That Sees Like the Human Eye

The retina is an enormously powerful tool. It sorts through massive amounts of data while operating on only a fraction of the power that a conventional digital...

'spoofers' Use Fake Gps Signals to Knock a Yacht Off Course
From ACM News

'spoofers' Use Fake Gps Signals to Knock a Yacht Off Course

University of Texas researchers recently tricked the navigation system of an $80 million yacht and sent the ship off course in an experiment that showed how any...

More Connected Homes, More Problems
From ACM News

More Connected Homes, More Problems

As a growing number of Internet-connected home appliances hit the market, David Bryan and Daniel Crowley worry that digital ne'er-do-wells will get new ways to...

Cyborg Parts
From ACM News

Cyborg Parts

Lab-made organs could do more than just serve as ready options for patients in need: with the right blend of biology and materials science, they might even be able...

The Future of Graphics and Gaming
From ACM News

The Future of Graphics and Gaming

See the best new ideas in computer graphics and interaction from last week’s Siggraph conference.

Touch Screen Ids ­sers via Fingerprints
From ACM News

Touch Screen Ids ­sers via Fingerprints

Tabletop computers have not exactly taken the world by storm, as some predicted they would.

Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning
From ACM Opinion

Sebastian Thrun on the Future of Learning

Sebastian Thrun has worn many hats in the tech world: Stanford research professor, founder of Google's X Labs, where he oversaw the development of self-drivingUdacity...

The Internet of Cars Is Approaching a Crossroads
From ACM News

The Internet of Cars Is Approaching a Crossroads

The phrase "vehicle-to-vehicle communications" might currently mean little more than a few choice words hurled through an open car window.

The Immortal Life of the Enron E-Mails
From ACM News

The Immortal Life of the Enron E-Mails

Former Enron executive Vincent Kaminski is a modest, semi-retired business school professor from Houston who recently wrote a 960-page book explaining the fundamentals...
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