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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Next Wave of Botnets Could Descend from the Skies
From ACM News

The Next Wave of Botnets Could Descend from the Skies

The buzz starts low and quickly gets louder as a toy quadricopter flies in low over the buildings. It might look like flight enthusiasts having fun, but it could...

From ACM TechNews

Flash Memory That'll Keep on Shrinking

Researchers at UCLA and Samsung have developed a type of flash memory that uses graphene and silicon to store information. The researchers say the use of graphene...

The First Fully Stretchable Oled
From ACM TechNews

The First Fully Stretchable Oled

University of California, Los Angeles researchers have developed the first fully stretchable organic light-emitting diode.

Seeing the Future of the Office Internet
From ACM News

Seeing the Future of the Office Internet

Inside the headquarters of networking giant Cisco in San Jose, California, lies a technology showcase where executives can test out advanced technologies like...

Can Video Kill the Credit-Card Form?
From ACM News

Can Video Kill the Credit-Card Form?

The days of tediously having to punch in credit-card details whenever you make an online purchase may be numbered, thanks to a new payment system that turns any...

Beyond Cell Phone Wallets, Biometrics Promise Truly Wallet-Free Future
From ACM News

Beyond Cell Phone Wallets, Biometrics Promise Truly Wallet-Free Future

Ever since Google announced that its Android phones would be equipped with a "digital wallet" that allows users to pay for things simply by touching their phone...

Someday Your Brain Could Brake For You
From ACM News

Someday Your Brain Could Brake For You

Many high-end cars today come equipped with brake assist systems, which help a driver use the brakes correctly depending on particular conditions in an emergency...

New Language For Programming in Parallel
From ACM TechNews

New Language For Programming in Parallel

SofCheck's Tucker Taft has developed the Parallel Specification and Implementation Language, a new programming language designed to maximize the potential of multicore...

Making Stuff with Molecular Precision
From ACM News

Making Stuff with Molecular Precision

For more than a decade, scientists have been touting the promise of nanomaterials as a source of new and better products, from stronger structural materials to...

Replacing Lost Abilities with a Robot
From ACM News

Replacing Lost Abilities with a Robot

Henry Evans recently shaved himself for the first time since a stroke left him mute and partly paralyzed 10 years ago. His achievement came thanks to researchers...

Russia's Post-Shuttle Space Plans
From ACM News

Russia's Post-Shuttle Space Plans

With the U.S. manned space program grounded following the last mission of the space shuttle, the Russian Soyuz spacecraft is the only avenue into space for NASA...

A New Direction for Digital Compasses
From ACM News

A New Direction for Digital Compasses

Cell phones and many other mobile devices now come packed with sensors capable of tracking them as they move. The digital compasses, gyroscopes, and accelerometers...

Was the Space Shuttle a Mistake?
From ACM Opinion

Was the Space Shuttle a Mistake?

Forty years ago, I wrote an article for Technology Review titled "Shall We Build the Space Shuttle?" Now, with the 135th and final flight of the shuttle at hand...

From ACM News

Could This Brain Implant Revive Paralyzed Limbs?

In the annals of great oxymorons, "non-invasive brain implant" would surely rank up there. Misnomer or not, the University of Michigan is touting just such a...

A Preview of Future Disk Drives
From ACM News

A Preview of Future Disk Drives

A new type of data storage technology, called phase-change memory, has proven capable of writing some types of data faster than conventional flash based storage...

Tapping Quantum Effects For Software that Learns
From ACM News

Tapping Quantum Effects For Software that Learns

In a bid to enable computers to learn faster, defense company Lockheed Martin has bought a system that uses quantum mechanics to process digital data.

How Friends Influence Gadget Adoption
From ACM TechNews

How Friends Influence Gadget Adoption

People are more likely to buy a product that their friends have already purchased, and the spread of adoption within social networks could help predict whether...

Tracking How Mobile Apps Track You
From ACM News

Tracking How Mobile Apps Track You

Third-party apps are the weakest link in user privacy on smart phones. They often get access to large quantities of user data, and there are few rules covering...

How Three-Dimensional Transistors Went from Lab to Fab
From ACM News

How Three-Dimensional Transistors Went from Lab to Fab

Intel's new three-dimensional transistor design, announced last week, is the culmination of more than a decade of research and development work that began in...

Herding Swarms of Microrobots
From ACM TechNews

Herding Swarms of Microrobots

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Duke University demonstrated that they were able to control a group of microrobots to create complex patterns...
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