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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Workplace Robots Need a Better View
From ACM News

Workplace Robots Need a Better View

Robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks says a new generation of industrial robots could be enabled by better machine vision.

From ACM News

Data Analysis Is Creating New Business Opportunities

Sitting in the left-field upper deck to watch the San Francisco Giants play baseball on May 11 would cost you eight bucks if you'd bought the ticket in late April...

Designs With a Deeper Purpose
From ACM TechNews

Designs With a Deeper Purpose

Microsoft software design specialist Bill Buxton wants developers to focus on innovations that can improve humans' quality of life.

Microsoft Browser Would Offer Personalization Along With Privacy Protection
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Browser Would Offer Personalization Along With Privacy Protection

Microsoft researchers have developed RePriv, a browser that analyzes users' online behavior and controls how their personal information is released to sites that...

From ACM News

The Botnets That Won't Die

New communications schemes could make zombie PC networks far more difficult to shut down.

Like Europa, Titan May Have a Giant Subsurface Ocean
From ACM News

Like Europa, Titan May Have a Giant Subsurface Ocean

In the seven years Cassini has spent orbiting Saturn, the spacecraft has sent back mountains of data that has changed our view of the ringed planet and its moons...

Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades
From ACM News

Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades

Obsolescence is the curse of electronics: no sooner have you bought a gadget than its hardware is outdated. A new, low cost type of microchip that can rearrange...

Busting the Botnets
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Busting the Botnets

They're the scourge of the Internet—networks containing thousands or even millions of virus-infected, remote-controlled PCs. These so-called "botnets" send out...

Dialing with Your Thoughts
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Dialing with Your Thoughts

Researchers in California have created a way to place a call on a cell phone using just your thoughts. Their new brain-computer interface is almost 100 percent...

Augmented Reality Interface Exploits Human Nervous System
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Augmented Reality Interface Exploits Human Nervous System

The most important function of the brain is figuring out what to ignore: Research suggests that we can process only about one percent of the visual information...

A Browser that Speaks Your Language
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A Browser that Speaks Your Language

Early adopters can now get a sneak peek at the future of the Web by downloading the latest prerelease, or "beta," version of Chrome, Google's Web browser. One...

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Social Search, Without a Social Network

Google may be built on an algorithm for taming the Web, but yesterday the company added social features that will let your friends help determine what ranks high...

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New Protocol Turbocharges the Web

Over the past 15 years, Web-based applications have gradually replaced those based on other networking protocols for everything from personal communications to...

Companies Hope to 'program' the Internet
From ACM News

Companies Hope to 'program' the Internet

Most data networks could be faster, more energy efficient, and more secure. But network hardware—switches, routers, and other devices—is essentially locked down...

Can Google Reinvent Web Video?
From ACM News

Can Google Reinvent Web Video?

An ambitious attempt by Google to shift the Web over to a new, royalty-free video format has taken significant strides. New software has been released that can...

How Cruise Missiles Would Beat Gps Jammers in Libya
From ACM News

How Cruise Missiles Would Beat Gps Jammers in Libya

Now that jammers are cheap and potentially ubiquitous, how do Tomahawk missiles stay on course?

Taking Control of Cars From Afar
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Taking Control of Cars From Afar

Researchers who have spent the last two years studying the security of car computer systems have revealed that they can take control of vehicles wirelessly.

Spotting Virtual Intruders
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Spotting Virtual Intruders

Handing sensitive data over to a cloud computing provider makes many companies skittish. But new software, called HomeAlone, could help them come to terms with...

Physicists Build Single-Atom Memory For Quantum Information
From ACM News

Physicists Build Single-Atom Memory For Quantum Information

A single atom of rubidium sits at the heart of an exotic new quantum memory device.

Turning Augmented Reality Into an Open Standard
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Turning Augmented Reality Into an Open Standard

A research team at Georgia Tech hopes to make augmented reality on smart phones more useful by developing an open standard for it.
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