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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

The Next Stage of Online Video Evolution

HTML5 is changing the look of Web video, but can it edge out Flash?

Adding Temperature to Human-Computer Interaction
From ACM News

Adding Temperature to Human-Computer Interaction

An experimental new game controller adds the sensation of hot and cold to users' experience of a simulated environment.

Flickr Photos Yield Tourist Trails
From ACM TechNews

Flickr Photos Yield Tourist Trails

Yahoo! researchers have developed a tool that draws on the database of millions of Flickr photos to generate detailed itineraries of what tourist sites to visit...

From ACM TechNews

3-D Without the Glasses

Microsoft's Applied Sciences Group has designed a lens that presents different images to a viewer's left and right eye, which could make it possible to watch three...

Augmented-Reality Floor Tiling
From ACM News

Augmented-Reality Floor Tiling

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal, Canada have developed floor tiles that can simulate the look, sound and feel of snow, grass or pebbles underfoot....

From ACM News

A Faster Wireless Web

Transfers of large amounts of data across the Internet to wireless devices suffer from a key problem: The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) used to send and receive...

Wi-Fi at the Speed of Light
From ACM News

Wi-Fi at the Speed of Light

A wireless network that uses reflected infrared light instead of radio waves has transmitted data through the air at a speed of one gigabit per second—six to 14...

A 50-Watt Cellular Network
From ACM News

A 50-Watt Cellular Network

An Indian telecom company is deploying simple cell phone base stations that need as little as 50 watts of solar-provided power. It will soon announce plans to sell...

What's Inside the Ipad's Chip?
From ACM News

What's Inside the Ipad's Chip?

Despite widespread speculation, nothing beyond what Steve Jobs announced last week is known about the A4 chip at the heart of the Apple iPad. Jobs described the...

From ACM News

How Google Ranks Tweets

To deliver useful search returns from the so-called real-time Web--such as seconds-old Twitter "tweets" reporting traffic jams--Google has adapted its page-ranking...

Making Tv Social, Virtually
From ACM TechNews

Making Tv Social, Virtually

Researchers from Motorola, BT, and Intel are developing ways to combine social networking technology with TV viewing. The goal is to get as close as possible to...

From ACM News

Bringing Color to E-Readers

One of the hot topics at the Consumer Electronics Show this week in Las Vegas is color e-readers, with several companies showcasing new products. While E-Ink has...

Splitting ­p Search
From ACM News

Splitting ­p Search

Searching the Web could become faster for users and much more efficient for search companies if search engines were split up and distributed around the world, according...

Hackers Game a Multiplayer World
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Game a Multiplayer World

Two programmers have hacked the World of Warcraft online game environment with a set of programs that automate in-game characters, which game developer Blizzard...

Five Futuristic Interfaces on Display at Siggraph
From ACM TechNews

Five Futuristic Interfaces on Display at Siggraph

ACM's SIGGRAPH 2009 conference will showcase a quintet of innovative interface models. University of Tokyo researchers have created a touchable holographic interface...

Data Overload on Dating Sites
From ACM TechNews

Data Overload on Dating Sites

New research on online dating sites shows that users can experience "cognitive overload" when faced with too many choices, causing them to make poorer decisions...

How IBM Plans to Win Jeopardy!
From ACM TechNews

How IBM Plans to Win Jeopardy!

IBM researchers are developing Watson, a natural-language processing system that will compete against human players in a game of Jeopardy! Demonstrations of the...

The Stranger Side of Chi 2009
From ACM TechNews

The Stranger Side of Chi 2009

ACM's CHI 2009, the 27th Computer-Human Interaction Conference, spotlighted many new inventions and concepts, some of which were decidedly unusual. These included...
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