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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

China Turns Big Data Into Big Brother 
From ACM News

China Turns Big Data Into Big Brother 

It was a drab, chill day in November, and the clocks were striking thirteen.

Neural Network Learns to Identify Criminals By Their Faces
From ACM TechNews

Neural Network Learns to Identify Criminals By Their Faces

Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University applied a variety of machine-vision algorithms to study faces of criminals and noncriminals. Their neural network...

China's Driverless Trucks Are Revving Their Engines
From ACM News

China's Driverless Trucks Are Revving Their Engines

China is gearing up to overhaul its road delivery with fleets of self-driving long-haul trucks.

Can Crispr Save Ben Dupree?
From ACM News

Can Crispr Save Ben Dupree?

At 24, Benjamin Dupree has outlived many people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Humans Do Dumb Things with Smart Cities
From ACM News

Humans Do Dumb Things with Smart Cities

New York City wants to make Wi-Fi available to anyone who walks its streets. But Gotham is finding out the hard way that free and open Internet access is ripe for...

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader

When Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to help the FBI get into a mass murderer's iPhone last winter, he was hailed for his boldness in fighting the government on ...

Internet Voting Leaves Out a Cornerstone of Democracy: The Secret Ballot
From ACM TechNews

Internet Voting Leaves Out a Cornerstone of Democracy: The Secret Ballot

Internet voting invalidates the secrecy of ballots, according to a report from Verified Voting.

These States Are at the Greatest Risk of Having Their Voting Process Hacked
From ACM News

These States Are at the Greatest Risk of Having Their Voting Process Hacked

Not everything belongs on the Internet, and the American electoral process is a textbook example. But 31 states don't see it that way.

Machine-Learning Algorithm Combs the Darknet For Zero Day Exploits, and Finds Them
From ACM News

Machine-Learning Algorithm Combs the Darknet For Zero Day Exploits, and Finds Them

In February 2015, Microsoft identified a critical vulnerability in its Windows operating system that potentially allowed a malicious attacker to remotely control...

If a Driverless Car Goes Bad We May Never Know Why
From ACM News

If a Driverless Car Goes Bad We May Never Know Why

Two recent accidents involving Tesla's Autopilot system may raise questions about how computer systems based on learning should be validated and investigated when...

Are Face Recognition Systems Accurate? Depends on Your Race
From ACM TechNews

Are Face Recognition Systems Accurate? Depends on Your Race

The U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report finding the Federal Bureau of Investigation has not properly tested the accuracy of its face-matching...

As It Searches For Suspects, the Fbi May Be Looking at You
From ACM News

As It Searches For Suspects, the Fbi May Be Looking at You

The FBI has access to nearly 412 million photos in its facial recognition system—perhaps including the one on your driver's license.

First Human Test of CRISPR Proposed
From ACM News

First Human Test of CRISPR Proposed

A federal safety board next week will consider the first human use of the gene-editing technology CRISPR, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Largest Study of Online Tracking Proves Google Really Is Watching ­S All
From ACM TechNews

Largest Study of Online Tracking Proves Google Really Is Watching ­S All

Researchers at Princeton University say they have conducted the largest study yet on the technology that tracks people's movements around the Web. 

How to Make Passwords That Cannot Be Compromised By Torture or Coercion
From ACM TechNews

How to Make Passwords That Cannot Be Compromised By Torture or Coercion

Researchers have hypothesized a method to measure an individual's stress levels and determine whether they are being coerced into revealing a password. 

Pentagon Hackers Are Waging America’s First Cyberwar
From ACM News

Pentagon Hackers Are Waging America’s First Cyberwar

U.S. politicians have long threatened America's enemies with tanks, planes, submarines, and nuclear missiles. Last week defense secretary Ashton Carter leveled...

Log In to Your Phone with a Finger-Drawn Doodle Instead of a Password
From ACM News

Log In to Your Phone with a Finger-Drawn Doodle Instead of a Password

Rather than painstakingly typing in passwords on your smartphone, you may eventually just swipe a shape or other pattern on its display to authenticate yourself...

What Role Should Silicon Valley Play in Fighting Terrorism?
From ACM Careers

What Role Should Silicon Valley Play in Fighting Terrorism?

On Friday, January 8, several high-level officials from the Obama administration—including the attorney general, the White House chief of staff, and the directors...

Will AI-Powered Hedge Funds Outsmart the Market?
From ACM News

Will AI-Powered Hedge Funds Outsmart the Market?

Every day computers make many millions of electronic trades by performing delicate calculations aimed at eking out a tiny edge in terms of speed or efficiency.

Baidu's Self-Driving Car Takes On Beijing Traffic
From ACM News

Baidu's Self-Driving Car Takes On Beijing Traffic

Driving around Beijing often feels unnervingly like a contact sport, with vehicles recklessly plunging through thick traffic, sneaking along the shoulder, or cutting...
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