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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Pentagon Bot Battle Shows How Computers Can Fix Their Own Flaws
From ACM News

Pentagon Bot Battle Shows How Computers Can Fix Their Own Flaws

It might be the least spectacular show to ever grace a Las Vegas stage.

DARPA Hopes Automation Can Create the Perfect Hacker
From ACM News

DARPA Hopes Automation Can Create the Perfect Hacker

Look out, human hackers. Pentagon research agency DARPA says people are too slow at finding and fixing security bugs and wants to see smart software take over the...

Are Face Recognition Systems Accurate? Depends on Your Race
From ACM TechNews

Are Face Recognition Systems Accurate? Depends on Your Race

The U.S. Government Accountability Office issued a report finding the Federal Bureau of Investigation has not properly tested the accuracy of its face-matching...

Quantum Cryptographers Set 400k Distance Record
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Cryptographers Set 400k Distance Record

Researchers in China say they have demonstrated a form of device-independent quantum cryptography, sending a key over a distance of more than 100 kilometers at...

As It Searches For Suspects, the Fbi May Be Looking at You
From ACM News

As It Searches For Suspects, the Fbi May Be Looking at You

The FBI has access to nearly 412 million photos in its facial recognition system—perhaps including the one on your driver's license.

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine
From ACM News

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine

One of the great unsung heroes of 20th century science was a mathematician and engineer at the famous Bell Laboratories in New Jersey called Claude Shannon.

How Ad Blockers Have Triggered an Arms Race on the Web
From ACM TechNews

How Ad Blockers Have Triggered an Arms Race on the Web

A team at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology has conducted the first large-scale analysis of ad-block detection on the Internet. 

How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence

University of Louisville researchers are studying how malevolent artificial intelligenes might be designed, and the conditions in which they might be create.

Largest Study of Online Tracking Proves Google Really Is Watching ­S All
From ACM TechNews

Largest Study of Online Tracking Proves Google Really Is Watching ­S All

Researchers at Princeton University say they have conducted the largest study yet on the technology that tracks people's movements around the Web. 

How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence

The possibility that a malevolent artificial intelligence might pose a serious threat to humankind has become a hotly debated issue.

How to Make Passwords That Cannot Be Compromised By Torture or Coercion
From ACM TechNews

How to Make Passwords That Cannot Be Compromised By Torture or Coercion

Researchers have hypothesized a method to measure an individual's stress levels and determine whether they are being coerced into revealing a password. 

Pentagon Hackers Are Waging America’s First Cyberwar
From ACM News

Pentagon Hackers Are Waging America’s First Cyberwar

U.S. politicians have long threatened America's enemies with tanks, planes, submarines, and nuclear missiles. Last week defense secretary Ashton Carter leveled...

Log In to Your Phone with a Finger-Drawn Doodle Instead of a Password
From ACM News

Log In to Your Phone with a Finger-Drawn Doodle Instead of a Password

Rather than painstakingly typing in passwords on your smartphone, you may eventually just swipe a shape or other pattern on its display to authenticate yourself...

What Role Should Silicon Valley Play in Fighting Terrorism?
From ACM Careers

What Role Should Silicon Valley Play in Fighting Terrorism?

On Friday, January 8, several high-level officials from the Obama administration—including the attorney general, the White House chief of staff, and the directors...

You've Been Misled About What Makes a Good Password
From ACM TechNews

You've Been Misled About What Makes a Good Password

Symantec researchers recently found requiring numbers and uppercase characters in passwords does not do much to make them stronger. 

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill
From ACM News

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill

When it comes to automotive technology, self-driving cars are all the rage.

Fighting Isis Online
From ACM Opinion

Fighting Isis Online

The two men pecked out messages on opposite sides of the country.

First Detailed Public Map of ­.s. Internet Backbone Could Make It Stronger
From ACM News

First Detailed Public Map of ­.s. Internet Backbone Could Make It Stronger

It may not look like much at first glance, but a map created by University of Wisconsin computer science professor Paul Barford and about a dozen colleagues took...

How International Monitors Spot Nukes and Other Rumblings
From ACM News

How International Monitors Spot Nukes and Other Rumblings

The ultimate nightmare for critics of the Iran nuclear deal being debated in Congress is that somehow, despite the agreement and all its built-in safeguards, Iran...

Tool Makes It Easier to Evade Online Censors
From ACM TechNews

Tool Makes It Easier to Evade Online Censors

A new tool could offer a way around censorship technologies enabled by repressive governments.
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