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subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Robot Has Figured Out How to ­se Tools
From ACM TechNews

A Robot Has Figured Out How to ­se Tools

A new robotic system can figure out at least the first principles of tool use, through a combination of experimentation and observation.

Machine Learning Is Making Pesto Even More Delicious
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Is Making Pesto Even More Delicious

Researchers have used machine learning to create basil plants that are extra-tasty.

Drones That Perch Like Birds Could Go on Much Longer Flights
From ACM TechNews

Drones That Perch Like Birds Could Go on Much Longer Flights

Yale University researchers have designed an observational drone that can perch like a bird to save energy.

DeepMind is Asking How AI Helped Turn the Internet into an Echo Chamber
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind is Asking How AI Helped Turn the Internet into an Echo Chamber

Researchers have analyzed how different recommendation algorithms can accelerate or decelerate filter bubbles and echo chambers online.

An AI that Writes Convincing Prose Risks Mass-Producing Fake News
From ACM News

An AI that Writes Convincing Prose Risks Mass-Producing Fake News

Here's some breaking fake news … Russia has declared war on the United States after Donald Trump accidentally fired a missile in the air.

Will People Ditch Cash for Cryptocurrency? Japan Is About to Find Out
From ACM TechNews

Will People Ditch Cash for Cryptocurrency? Japan Is About to Find Out

Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe wants 40% of payments in that country to be cashless by 2025.

Giving Algorithms a Sense of ­ncertainty Could Make Them More Ethical
From ACM News

Giving Algorithms a Sense of ­ncertainty Could Make Them More Ethical

Algorithms are increasingly being used to make ethical decisions. Perhaps the best example of this is a high-tech take on the ethical dilemma known as the trolley...

A Country's Ambitious Plan to Teach Anyone the Basics of AI
From ACM TechNews

A Country's Ambitious Plan to Teach Anyone the Basics of AI

Finland has launched an ambitious challenge to teach the basics of artificial intelligence to 1% of its population.

Deep Learning Turns Mono Recordings Into Immersive Sound
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Turns Mono Recordings Into Immersive Sound

Researchers have taught an artificial intelligence system to convert ordinary monaural sounds into nearly three-dimensional sounds.

Machine Vision Can Create Harry Potter-Style Photos for Muggles
From ACM TechNews

Machine Vision Can Create Harry Potter-Style Photos for Muggles

New software can animate the central character in a photograph while leaving the rest of the image untouched.

Ambient AI is About to Devour the Software Industry
From ACM News

Ambient AI is About to Devour the Software Industry

Amazon has casually unveiled what could turn into a fundamentally different way to build software.

Machine Learning Identifies Cryptocurrency Scams Before They Happen
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Identifies Cryptocurrency Scams Before They Happen

Researchers in the U.K. have developed an algorithm that can predict "pump-and-dump" cryptocurrency scams prior to their occurrence.

­sing Wi-Fi to 'See' Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought
From ACM TechNews

­sing Wi-Fi to 'See' Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought

Researchers have developed a technique to see through walls using ambient Wi-Fi signals and an ordinary smartphone.

­sing Wi-Fi to 'See' Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought
From ACM News

­sing Wi-Fi to 'See' Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought

Wi-Fi fills our world with radio waves. In your home, in the office, and increasingly on city streets, humans are bathed in a constant background field of 2.4-...

Bot Disguised as a Human Software Developer Fixes Bugs
From ACM TechNews

Bot Disguised as a Human Software Developer Fixes Bugs

A new software bot can find bugs in code and write patches with effectiveness comparable to that of human developers.

Neural Networks Don't ­nderstand What Optical Illusions Are
From ACM TechNews

Neural Networks Don't ­nderstand What Optical Illusions Are

Researchers have found that machine vision systems cannot process optical illusions in the same way humans can.

The First 'Social Network' of Brains Lets Three People Transmit Thoughts to Each Other's Heads
From ACM TechNews

The First 'Social Network' of Brains Lets Three People Transmit Thoughts to Each Other's Heads

University of Washington in Seattle researchers have developed a brain-to-brain network that transmits thoughts among members of a group.

Meet the Winner of Robotics' World Cup
From ACM TechNews

Meet the Winner of Robotics' World Cup

A two-legged robot developed at the University of Bonn in Germany won the soccer World Cup for adult-size robots this summer in Montreal, Canada.

Soon Your Doctor Will Be Able to Wirelessly Track Your Health—Even Through Walls
From ACM TechNews

Soon Your Doctor Will Be Able to Wirelessly Track Your Health—Even Through Walls

A Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor has created a box that, when placed in a user's home, can track his/her physiological signals, even through walls...

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains
From ACM Careers

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains

Maria Pocovi slides her laptop over to me with the webcam switched on.
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