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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

China Wants to Make the Chips that Will Add AI to Any Gadget
From ACM News

China Wants to Make the Chips that Will Add AI to Any Gadget

In an office at Tsinghua University in Beijing, a computer chip is crunching data from a nearby camera, looking for faces stored in a database.

Every Study We Could Find on What Automation Will Do to Jobs, in One Chart
From ACM Careers

Every Study We Could Find on What Automation Will Do to Jobs, in One Chart

You've seen the headlines: "Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs—and We're Not Ready for It." "You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think." "Robots May...

The Next Big Step For Ai? U­nderstanding Video
From ACM TechNews

The Next Big Step For Ai? U­nderstanding Video

The Moments in Time Dataset is a massive archive of three-second video clips annotated with minute details of the action being performed.

Google Has Released an AI Tool That Makes Sense of Your Genome
From ACM TechNews

Google Has Released an AI Tool That Makes Sense of Your Genome

Google has released an artificial intelligence tool that uses gene sequencing data to build a more accurate genomic model.

AI Is Dreaming ­p New Kinds of Video Games
From ACM TechNews

AI Is Dreaming ­p New Kinds of Video Games

Angelina is an artificial intelligence that can imagine new video games from scratch, which has produced hundreds of experimental games since 2011.

This AI Can Spot Art Forgeries By Looking at One Brushstroke
From ACM TechNews

This AI Can Spot Art Forgeries By Looking at One Brushstroke

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that can identify an art forgery by examining the piece's brush strokes.

This Inquisitive AI Will Kick Your Butt at Battleship
From ACM TechNews

This Inquisitive AI Will Kick Your Butt at Battleship

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence that can skillfully play a Battleship-like game by determining how to ask questions as efficiently as possible...

Humans Are Still Better Than AI at Starcraft--For Now
From ACM TechNews

Humans Are Still Better Than AI at Starcraft--For Now

Professional player Song Byung-gu won a recent "StarCraft" tournament in South Korea, beating four artificial intelligence programs in less than 30 minutes.

Building Tomorrow's Robots
From ACM Careers

Building Tomorrow's Robots

When Brandon Araki arrived at MIT in 2015 as a master's candidate in mechanical engineering, he brought along the picobug, a tiny robot that can fly, crawl, and...

How We Feel About Robots That Feel
From ACM News

How We Feel About Robots That Feel

Octavia, a humanoid robot designed to fight fires on Navy ships, has mastered an impressive range of facial expressions.

Alphago Zero Shows Machines Can Become Superhuman Without Any Help
From ACM TechNews

Alphago Zero Shows Machines Can Become Superhuman Without Any Help

DeepMind's upgrade to the AlphaGo algorithm, AlphaGo Zero, beat its predecessor in a 100-game Go match, acquiring skills by playing millions of games against itself...

AI Algorithms Are Starting to Teach AI Algorithms
From ACM TechNews

AI Algorithms Are Starting to Teach AI Algorithms

Artificial intelligence researchers and companies are applying machine learning to automate the more complicated aspects of AI algorithm development.

Now There's an Iq Test For Siri and Friends
From ACM TechNews

Now There's an Iq Test For Siri and Friends

Researchers used an intelligence test they developed to rank intelligent assistants such as Google Assistant and Siri on the same scale used for humans.

Put Humans at the Center of AI
From ACM TechNews

Put Humans at the Center of AI

Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Lab director Fei-Fei Li advocates for more human-centered AI and the benefits it can yield.

Inside the Moonshot Effort to Finally Figure Out the Brain
From ACM News

Inside the Moonshot Effort to Finally Figure Out the Brain

"Here's the problem with artificial intelligence today," says David Cox.

Warning: This Algorithm Will Self-Destruct After It's ­sed
From ACM TechNews

Warning: This Algorithm Will Self-Destruct After It's ­sed

Two researchers say they have built a proof-of-principle algorithm that destroys itself after use.

Why Google's AI Can Write Beautiful Songs but Still Can't Tell a Joke
From ACM Opinion

Why Google's AI Can Write Beautiful Songs but Still Can't Tell a Joke

Creating noodling piano tunes and endless configurations of cat drawings with AI may not sound like an obvious project for Google, but it makes a lot of sense to...

AI Programs Are Learning to Exclude Some African-American Voices
From ACM TechNews

AI Programs Are Learning to Exclude Some African-American Voices

Researchers warn some artificial intelligence programs are inheriting biases against certain dialects, which could lead to automatic discrimination as language-based...

An Algorithm Trained on Emoji Knows When You're Being Sarcastic on Twitter
From ACM TechNews

An Algorithm Trained on Emoji Knows When You're Being Sarcastic on Twitter

Researchers have developed a deep-learning textual sentiment algorithm which can analyze tweets to pick up sarcasm and general emotional subtext.

To Build a Smarter Chatbot, First Teach It a Second Language
From ACM TechNews

To Build a Smarter Chatbot, First Teach It a Second Language

Researchers at Salesforce have developed a method that could improve the performance of modern language programs.
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