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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Meet the Guy With Four Arms, Two of Which Someone Else Controls in VR
From ACM TechNews

Meet the Guy With Four Arms, Two of Which Someone Else Controls in VR

Fusion is a robotic project to explore how people may be able to work together to control, or augment, a person's body.

­.S. Defense Department Produces First Tools for Catching Deepfakes
From ACM TechNews

­.S. Defense Department Produces First Tools for Catching Deepfakes

U.S. Defense researchers say they have created the first forensic tools for catching fake videos, known as "deepfakes," created with artificial intelligence.

AI Generates New Doom Levels for Humans to Play
From ACM TechNews

AI Generates New Doom Levels for Humans to Play

Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Milan in Italy have found it is possible to have a deep learning algorithm create compelling new game levels in Doom...

How Can We Be Sure AI Will Behave? Perhaps by Watching It Argue With Itself
From ACM TechNews

How Can We Be Sure AI Will Behave? Perhaps by Watching It Argue With Itself

Researchers say having two artificial intelligence systems debate a particular goal could ensure that they behave reliably when executing complex functions.

Facebook Helped Create an AI Scavenger Hunt That Could Lead to the First ­seful Home Robots
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Helped Create an AI Scavenger Hunt That Could Lead to the First ­seful Home Robots

Researchers have developed a scavenger hunt that could help artificial intelligence programs develop common sense.

Computer Scientists Find the Longest Straight Line You Could Sail Without Hitting Land
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Find the Longest Straight Line You Could Sail Without Hitting Land

A new algorithm can calculate the longest straight-line path around the world on land or sea.

AI Can Spot Signs of Alzheimer's Before Your Family Does
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Spot Signs of Alzheimer's Before Your Family Does

Researchers are exploring machine learning as a tool for identifying signs of Alzheimer's disease that physicians and loved ones may otherwise overlook.

The ­.S. Military Wants AI to Dream ­p Weird New Helicopters
From ACM TechNews

The ­.S. Military Wants AI to Dream ­p Weird New Helicopters

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is funding efforts to employ artificial intelligence to conceptualize complex component designs, including the...

AI Assistants Say Dumb Things, and We're About to Find Out Why
From ACM TechNews

AI Assistants Say Dumb Things, and We're About to Find Out Why

A new test will pose elementary-school-level multiple-choice science questions to artificial intelligence systems.

A New Data Trove Could Teach Computers to Tell Blind People What They Need to Know
From ACM TechNews

A New Data Trove Could Teach Computers to Tell Blind People What They Need to Know

Researchers are publishing a database of images and challenging the machine-vision community to use it to train machines as effective assistants for those with...

Old-Fashioned Silicon Might Be the Key to Building ­biquitous Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

Old-Fashioned Silicon Might Be the Key to Building ­biquitous Quantum Computers

Scientists are investigating silicon as a key ingredient in the creation of scalable quantum computers.

Every Study We Could Find on What Automation Will Do to Jobs, in One Chart
From ACM Careers

Every Study We Could Find on What Automation Will Do to Jobs, in One Chart

You've seen the headlines: "Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs—and We're Not Ready for It." "You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think." "Robots May...

Wisdom of the Crowd Accurately Predicts Supreme Court Decisions
From ACM TechNews

Wisdom of the Crowd Accurately Predicts Supreme Court Decisions

Researchers say they have analyzed how well crowdsourcing can predict decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court by crunching data from the online FantasySCOTUS league...

The Next Big Step For Ai? U­nderstanding Video
From ACM TechNews

The Next Big Step For Ai? U­nderstanding Video

The Moments in Time Dataset is a massive archive of three-second video clips annotated with minute details of the action being performed.

More Realistic Ar Display Places Digital Images Among Real Objects
From ACM TechNews

More Realistic Ar Display Places Digital Images Among Real Objects

A prototype augmented reality display can show a virtual image that both blocks real-world objects sitting behind it and can itself be blocked by other real-world...

Google Has Released an AI Tool That Makes Sense of Your Genome
From ACM TechNews

Google Has Released an AI Tool That Makes Sense of Your Genome

Google has released an artificial intelligence tool that uses gene sequencing data to build a more accurate genomic model.

Global Mosquito-Sensing Network Being Built ­sing Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

Global Mosquito-Sensing Network Being Built ­sing Smartphones

MozzWear is a low-cost smartphone sensor system that can identify and monitor mosquito populations.

AI Is Dreaming ­p New Kinds of Video Games
From ACM TechNews

AI Is Dreaming ­p New Kinds of Video Games

Angelina is an artificial intelligence that can imagine new video games from scratch, which has produced hundreds of experimental games since 2011.

This Inquisitive AI Will Kick Your Butt at Battleship
From ACM TechNews

This Inquisitive AI Will Kick Your Butt at Battleship

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence that can skillfully play a Battleship-like game by determining how to ask questions as efficiently as possible...

Humans Are Still Better Than AI at Starcraft--For Now
From ACM TechNews

Humans Are Still Better Than AI at Starcraft--For Now

Professional player Song Byung-gu won a recent "StarCraft" tournament in South Korea, beating four artificial intelligence programs in less than 30 minutes.
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