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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Supercomputer Digests Twitter in Real-Time
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Supercomputer Digests Twitter in Real-Time

Specialized hardware and software could provide new insights into the social Web.

Chinese Chip Closes In on Intel, Amd
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Chinese Chip Closes In on Intel, Amd

China may finally have a processor to power a homegrown supercomputer.

Adding Human Intelligence to Software
From ACM TechNews

Adding Human Intelligence to Software

MIT researchers have developed TurKit, a toolkit that enables users to write algorithms to coordinate online workers using Javascript and create human intelligence...

Bendable Memory Made from Nanowire Transistors
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Bendable Memory Made from Nanowire Transistors

A new type of device could ultimately hold more data than flash memory.

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Scvngr's Hunt: Retailers Who See Dollars in Game Dynamics

Can location-based games for smart phones boost foot traffic at stores?

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Improving Phones Through Surveillance

Apps that track how people use their phones could help make the devices more efficient.

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An Operating System to Run It All

Intel's MeeGo will let apps span tablets, phones, and TVs.

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Now Your App Knows Where You Are

Geolocation analytics could help companies to improve their apps—and make more money from them.

Cell Phones Make a Touch Surface Smarter
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Cell Phones Make a Touch Surface Smarter

A new system identifies users by their mobile phones.

Tapping the Powers of Persuasion
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Tapping the Powers of Persuasion

B.J. Fogg's lab at Stanford focuses on the ways technology can influence behavior.

Mapping the Brain on a Massive Scale
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Mapping the Brain on a Massive Scale

Scanning 1,200 brains could help researchers chart the organ's fine structure and better understand neurological disorders.

What Twitter Learns from All Those Tweets
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What Twitter Learns from All Those Tweets

The company's head of analytics explains how Twitter mines the data users produce.

Turning Thoughts Into Words
From ACM TechNews

Turning Thoughts Into Words

University of Utah researchers are developing a brain-computer interface that provides a way to communicate for people who are unable to talk or move but are awake...

Turning Thoughts into Words
From ACM News

Turning Thoughts into Words

A new approach allows more information to be extracted from the brain.

Sensors Use Building's Electrical Wiring as Antenna
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Sensors Use Building's Electrical Wiring as Antenna

The trick lets sensors last five times as long between charges.

Why Google Went Instant
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Why Google Went Instant

The service, an engineering marvel, could boost Google's bottom line.

Anticensorship Tool Proves Too Good to Be True
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Anticensorship Tool Proves Too Good to Be True

Experts warn that the software could identify those it claims to protect.

Intel Puts Game Physics in the Cloud
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Intel Puts Game Physics in the Cloud

Simulating the physics of light makes for games that better mimic the real world.

From ACM TechNews

Why Isn't the Price of Broadband Obeying Moore's Law?

A new index from researchers at Northwestern University shows that the explosive pace in adopting broadband Internet access since 2004 has not led to a decline...

From ACM News

The Next Stage of Online Video Evolution

HTML5 is changing the look of Web video, but can it edge out Flash?
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