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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

China Details Homemade Supercomputer Plan
From ACM TechNews

China Details Homemade Supercomputer Plan

Researchers at the Chinese Institute of Computing Technology (ICT) have built a supercomputer using only home-grown microprocessors. The supercomputer, known as...

From ACM News

How Google Ranks Tweets

To deliver useful search returns from the so-called real-time Web--such as seconds-old Twitter "tweets" reporting traffic jams--Google has adapted its page-ranking...

Making Tv Social, Virtually
From ACM TechNews

Making Tv Social, Virtually

Researchers from Motorola, BT, and Intel are developing ways to combine social networking technology with TV viewing. The goal is to get as close as possible to...

From ACM News

Bringing Color to E-Readers

One of the hot topics at the Consumer Electronics Show this week in Las Vegas is color e-readers, with several companies showcasing new products. While E-Ink has...

From ACM News

Trading Shares in Milliseconds

Today's stock market has become a world of automated transactions executed at lightning speed. This high-frequency trading could make the financial system more...

How Intelligent Vehicles Will Increase the Capacity of Our Roads
From ACM TechNews

How Intelligent Vehicles Will Increase the Capacity of Our Roads

Traffic flow will improve as more computer-controlled vehicles hit the road, according to new research from Arne Kesting and colleagues at the Technical University...

From ACM TechNews

Complex Integrated Circuits Made of Carbon Nanotubes

Stanford University researchers have developed the first three-dimensional (3D) carbon nanotube circuits. Three-dimensional nanotube circuits could be a major...

From ACM TechNews

Less Clumsy Code For the Cloud

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley are working on a project called BOOM, which is developing new programming techniques for cloud computing....

Self-Policing Cloud Computing
From ACM TechNews

Self-Policing Cloud Computing

Researchers at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center and IBM Research-Zurich have developed a cloud computing security system that makes elements of the cloud act...

From ACM TechNews

Bendable Magnetic Interface

Microsoft Research Cambridge scientists are developing an experimental tactile interface that enables users to interact with devices by squishing, stretching, rolling...

Web Security Tool Copies Apps' Moves
From ACM TechNews

Web Security Tool Copies Apps' Moves

Scientists at Microsoft research have unveiled Ripley, a new way to secure complex Web applications by effectively cloning the user's browser and running it remotely...

Splitting ­p Search
From ACM TechNews

Splitting ­p Search

Researchers at Yahoo!'s Labs in Barcelona, Spain, have developed a distributed search approach that spreads the search index and additional data out over a larger...

Splitting ­p Search
From ACM News

Splitting ­p Search

Searching the Web could become faster for users and much more efficient for search companies if search engines were split up and distributed around the world, according...

From ACM TechNews

Software That Fixes Itself

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers led by professor Martin Rinard have developed ClearView, software capable of finding and fixing certain types...

Muscle-Bound Computer Interface
From ACM TechNews

Muscle-Bound Computer Interface

Researchers at Microsoft, the University of Washington, and the University of Toronto have developed a human-computer interface that uses muscle movement for hands...

From ACM TechNews

Eavesdropping on Smartphone Secrets

Security researchers at Cryptography Research say the smart card attack involving differential power analysis could be used to target smartphones. Cryptography...

Faster Maintenance with Augmented Reality
From ACM News

Faster Maintenance with Augmented Reality

In the not-too-distant future, it might be possible to slip on a pair of augmented-reality (AR) goggles instead of fumbling with a manual while trying to repair...

From ACM TechNews

Vulnerability Seen in Amazon's Cloud-Computing

A new study by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) suggests that leading cloud-computing...

Merging Video With Maps
From ACM TechNews

Merging Video With Maps

Microsoft and researchers from the University of Konstanz in Germany are collaborating to create Videomap, navigation software that incorporates videos of driving...

Wireless Network Modded to See Through Walls
From ACM News

Wireless Network Modded to See Through Walls

The way signal strength varies in a wireless network can reveal what's going on behind closed doors. It's every schoolboy's dream: an easy way of looking through...
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