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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Building Tomorrow's Robots
From ACM Careers

Building Tomorrow's Robots

When Brandon Araki arrived at MIT in 2015 as a master's candidate in mechanical engineering, he brought along the picobug, a tiny robot that can fly, crawl, and...

How We Feel About Robots That Feel
From ACM News

How We Feel About Robots That Feel

Octavia, a humanoid robot designed to fight fires on Navy ships, has mastered an impressive range of facial expressions.

Andrew Ng Has a Chatbot That Can Help With Depression
From ACM TechNews

Andrew Ng Has a Chatbot That Can Help With Depression

Stanford University professor Andrew Ng is supporting the development of a Facebook chatbot to offer interactive cognitive behavior therapy to people suffering...

Alphago Zero Shows Machines Can Become Superhuman Without Any Help
From ACM TechNews

Alphago Zero Shows Machines Can Become Superhuman Without Any Help

DeepMind's upgrade to the AlphaGo algorithm, AlphaGo Zero, beat its predecessor in a 100-game Go match, acquiring skills by playing millions of games against itself...

AI Algorithms Are Starting to Teach AI Algorithms
From ACM TechNews

AI Algorithms Are Starting to Teach AI Algorithms

Artificial intelligence researchers and companies are applying machine learning to automate the more complicated aspects of AI algorithm development.

Scientists Can Read a Bird's Brain and Predict Its Next Song
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Can Read a Bird's Brain and Predict Its Next Song

Researchers have built a brain-to-tweet interface that predicts the song a finch is going to sing a fraction of a second before it does so.

Put Humans at the Center of AI
From ACM TechNews

Put Humans at the Center of AI

Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Lab director Fei-Fei Li advocates for more human-centered AI and the benefits it can yield.

Google Reveals Blueprint For Quantum Supremacy
From ACM TechNews

Google Reveals Blueprint For Quantum Supremacy

Researchers say they have outlined a way to achieve quantum supremacy, demonstrating a proof-of-principle version of a quantum computer.

Facial Recognition Is Only the Beginning
From ACM TechNews

Facial Recognition Is Only the Beginning

Apple says the inclusion of its Face ID technology in the upcoming iPhone X will make smartphone unlocking, payment, and other operations possible via facial recognition...

Why Google's AI Can Write Beautiful Songs but Still Can't Tell a Joke
From ACM Opinion

Why Google's AI Can Write Beautiful Songs but Still Can't Tell a Joke

Creating noodling piano tunes and endless configurations of cat drawings with AI may not sound like an obvious project for Google, but it makes a lot of sense to...

AI Programs Are Learning to Exclude Some African-American Voices
From ACM TechNews

AI Programs Are Learning to Exclude Some African-American Voices

Researchers warn some artificial intelligence programs are inheriting biases against certain dialects, which could lead to automatic discrimination as language-based...

First Evidence That Social Bots Play a Major Role in Spreading Fake News
From ACM TechNews

First Evidence That Social Bots Play a Major Role in Spreading Fake News

Researchers say they have proof that social bots are the key to the online proliferation of fake news.

First Evidence That Social Bots Play a Major Role in Spreading Fake News
From ACM News

First Evidence That Social Bots Play a Major Role in Spreading Fake News

Fake news and the way it spreads on social media is emerging as one of the great threats to modern society.

An Algorithm Trained on Emoji Knows When You're Being Sarcastic on Twitter
From ACM TechNews

An Algorithm Trained on Emoji Knows When You're Being Sarcastic on Twitter

Researchers have developed a deep-learning textual sentiment algorithm which can analyze tweets to pick up sarcasm and general emotional subtext.

To Build a Smarter Chatbot, First Teach It a Second Language
From ACM TechNews

To Build a Smarter Chatbot, First Teach It a Second Language

Researchers at Salesforce have developed a method that could improve the performance of modern language programs.

For Computers, Too, It's Hard to Learn to Speak Chinese
From ACM News

For Computers, Too, It's Hard to Learn to Speak Chinese

Researchers often call 2017 the year of the conversational computer in China.

The Emerging Science of Computational Psychiatry
From ACM News

The Emerging Science of Computational Psychiatry

Machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing the study and understanding of mental illness.

Your Best Teammate Might Someday Be an Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

Your Best Teammate Might Someday Be an Algorithm

Google's People + AI Research (PAIR) project aims to develop and release tools designed to help make the inner workings of artificial intelligence systems more...

Data-Mining 100 Million Instagram Photos Reveals Global Clothing Patterns
From ACM TechNews

Data-Mining 100 Million Instagram Photos Reveals Global Clothing Patterns

Researchers applied data-mining technology to determine the global variance of clothing styles from 100 million Instagram photos taken in 44 cities.

Inspecting Algorithms For Bias
From ACM News

Inspecting Algorithms For Bias

Courts, banks, and other institutions are using automated data analysis systems to make decisions about your life. Let's not leave it up to the algorithm makers...
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