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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Canada, France Plan an International Panel to Assess AI Dangers
From ACM TechNews

Canada, France Plan an International Panel to Assess AI Dangers

Canada and France recently announced plans for an international panel to assess the dangers of artificial intelligence and formulate appropriate policies.

Machine Learning Identifies Cryptocurrency Scams Before They Happen
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Identifies Cryptocurrency Scams Before They Happen

Researchers in the U.K. have developed an algorithm that can predict "pump-and-dump" cryptocurrency scams prior to their occurrence.

Machine Learning, Meet Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning, Meet Quantum Computing

Researchers have constructed the world's first single-layer neural network, known as a perceptron, and induced it to perform simple image processing tasks.

Harvard Wants to School Congress About AI
From ACM TechNews

Harvard Wants to School Congress About AI

Harvard Kennedy School's Dipayan Ghosh and former U.S. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler have launched a new AI policy initiative aimed at educating U.S. politicians and...

A Robot Scientist Will Dream ­p New Materials
From ACM TechNews

A Robot Scientist Will Dream ­p New Materials

Startup Kebotix has created software that learns material chemistry from models of molecules with known properties in order to design novel compounds.

A Robot Scientist Will Dream ­p New Materials to Advance Computing and Fight Pollution
From ACM News

A Robot Scientist Will Dream ­p New Materials to Advance Computing and Fight Pollution

In a laboratory that overlooks a busy shopping street in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a robot is attempting to create new materials.

Bot Disguised as a Human Software Developer Fixes Bugs
From ACM TechNews

Bot Disguised as a Human Software Developer Fixes Bugs

A new software bot can find bugs in code and write patches with effectiveness comparable to that of human developers.

Neural Networks Don't ­nderstand What Optical Illusions Are
From ACM TechNews

Neural Networks Don't ­nderstand What Optical Illusions Are

Researchers have found that machine vision systems cannot process optical illusions in the same way humans can.

The First 'Social Network' of Brains Lets Three People Transmit Thoughts to Each Other's Heads
From ACM TechNews

The First 'Social Network' of Brains Lets Three People Transmit Thoughts to Each Other's Heads

University of Washington in Seattle researchers have developed a brain-to-brain network that transmits thoughts among members of a group.

China's Leaders Are Softening Their Stance on AI
From ACM News

China's Leaders Are Softening Their Stance on AI

China might be at loggerheads with the United States over trade, but it is calling for a friendlier approach to the development of artificial intelligence.

Soon Your Doctor Will Be Able to Wirelessly Track Your Health—Even Through Walls
From ACM TechNews

Soon Your Doctor Will Be Able to Wirelessly Track Your Health—Even Through Walls

A Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor has created a box that, when placed in a user's home, can track his/her physiological signals, even through walls...

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains
From ACM Careers

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains

Maria Pocovi slides her laptop over to me with the webcam switched on.

­.S. Defense Department Produces First Tools for Catching Deepfakes
From ACM TechNews

­.S. Defense Department Produces First Tools for Catching Deepfakes

U.S. Defense researchers say they have created the first forensic tools for catching fake videos, known as "deepfakes," created with artificial intelligence.

The ­S Military Is Funding an Effort to Catch Deepfakes and Other AI Trickery
From ACM News

The ­S Military Is Funding an Effort to Catch Deepfakes and Other AI Trickery

Think that AI will help put a stop to fake news? The US military isn't so sure.

AI Generates New Doom Levels for Humans to Play
From ACM TechNews

AI Generates New Doom Levels for Humans to Play

Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Milan in Italy have found it is possible to have a deep learning algorithm create compelling new game levels in Doom...

How Can We Be Sure AI Will Behave? Perhaps by Watching It Argue With Itself
From ACM TechNews

How Can We Be Sure AI Will Behave? Perhaps by Watching It Argue With Itself

Researchers say having two artificial intelligence systems debate a particular goal could ensure that they behave reliably when executing complex functions.

Facebook Helped Create an AI Scavenger Hunt That Could Lead to the First ­seful Home Robots
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Helped Create an AI Scavenger Hunt That Could Lead to the First ­seful Home Robots

Researchers have developed a scavenger hunt that could help artificial intelligence programs develop common sense.

Computer Scientists Find the Longest Straight Line You Could Sail Without Hitting Land
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Find the Longest Straight Line You Could Sail Without Hitting Land

A new algorithm can calculate the longest straight-line path around the world on land or sea.

AI Can Spot Signs of Alzheimer's Before Your Family Does
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Spot Signs of Alzheimer's Before Your Family Does

Researchers are exploring machine learning as a tool for identifying signs of Alzheimer's disease that physicians and loved ones may otherwise overlook.

AI Assistants Say Dumb Things, and We're About to Find Out Why
From ACM TechNews

AI Assistants Say Dumb Things, and We're About to Find Out Why

A new test will pose elementary-school-level multiple-choice science questions to artificial intelligence systems.
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