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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the ­niverse
From ACM News

The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the ­niverse

In the last couple of years, deep learning techniques have transformed the world of artificial intelligence.

What Robots Can Learn From Babies
From ACM TechNews

What Robots Can Learn From Babies

New software can predict how objects captured by a computing device's camera will most likely behave.

How an Algorithm Learned to Identify Depressed Individuals By Studying Their Instagram Photos
From ACM TechNews

How an Algorithm Learned to Identify Depressed Individuals By Studying Their Instagram Photos

Researchers have trained a machine-learning algorithm to spot warning signs for depression on Instagram by analyzing the composition of posted images.

This Supercomputer Will Try to Find Intelligence on Reddit
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This Supercomputer Will Try to Find Intelligence on Reddit

Is it possible that the secret to building machine intelligence lies in spending endless hours reading Reddit?

The Robot You Want Most Is Far From Reality
From ACM TechNews

The Robot You Want Most Is Far From Reality

House-cleaning robots will surely be popular, but building one will be a daunting challenge, according to researchers.

Minecraft Is a Testing Ground For Human-AI Collaboration
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Minecraft Is a Testing Ground For Human-AI Collaboration

The blockish and slightly dorky computer game Minecraft may turn out to be a great place for humans and AI to learn how to work together.

Inside Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Engine Room
From ACM TechNews

Inside Facebook's Artificial Intelligence Engine Room

A complex in Prineville, OR, that houses Facebook servers recently was expanded with high-powered servers designed to accelerate research into machine learning....

If a Driverless Car Goes Bad We May Never Know Why
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If a Driverless Car Goes Bad We May Never Know Why

Two recent accidents involving Tesla's Autopilot system may raise questions about how computer systems based on learning should be validated and investigated when...

Machine-Vision Algorithm Learns to Transform Hand-Drawn Sketches Into Photorealistic Images
From ACM TechNews

Machine-Vision Algorithm Learns to Transform Hand-Drawn Sketches Into Photorealistic Images

Researchers at Denmark's Radboud University have trained a deep convolutional neural network to convert hand-drawn sketches of faces into photorealistic portraits...

How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence
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How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence

University of Louisville researchers are studying how malevolent artificial intelligenes might be designed, and the conditions in which they might be create.

How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

How to Create a Malevolent Artificial Intelligence

The possibility that a malevolent artificial intelligence might pose a serious threat to humankind has become a hotly debated issue.

Robots Learn How to Make Friends and Influence People
From ACM TechNews

Robots Learn How to Make Friends and Influence People

Stanford University researchers have developed a computer-vision algorithm that predicts the movement of people in a busy space. 

Algorithm Clones Van Gogh's Artistic Style and Pastes It Onto Other Images, Movies
From ACM News

Algorithm Clones Van Gogh's Artistic Style and Pastes It Onto Other Images, Movies

The nature of artistic style is something of a mystery to most people.

Will Artificial Intelligence Win the Caption Contest?
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Will Artificial Intelligence Win the Caption Contest?

When social-media users upload photographs and caption them, they don't just label their contents. They tell a story, which gives the photos context and additional...

A $2 Billion Chip to Accelerate Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

A $2 Billion Chip to Accelerate Artificial Intelligence

The field of artificial intelligence has experienced a striking spurt of progress in recent years, with software becoming much better at understanding images, speech...

Could Alphago Bluff Its Way Through Poker?
From ACM TechNews

Could Alphago Bluff Its Way Through Poker?

University College London lecturer David Silver suggests software similar to Google DeepMind's AlphaGo could be crafted to play poker competently.

How AI Is Feeding China's Internet Dragon
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How AI Is Feeding China's Internet Dragon

Shortly after walking through the front doors of Baidu in Beijing last November, I was surprised to notice that my face had transformed into that of a cheerful-­looking...

How Google Deepmind Plans to Solve Intelligence
From ACM News

How Google Deepmind Plans to Solve Intelligence

Padded walls, gloomy lighting, and a ceiling with floral wallpaper.

To Get Truly Smart, AI Might Need to Play More Video Games
From ACM News

To Get Truly Smart, AI Might Need to Play More Video Games

The latest computer games can be fantastically realistic.

Google ­nveils Neural Network with 'superhuman' Ability to Determine the Location of Almost Any Image
From ACM News

Google ­nveils Neural Network with 'superhuman' Ability to Determine the Location of Almost Any Image

Here's a tricky task. Pick a photograph from the Web at random. Now try to work out where it was taken using only the image itself.
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