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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Eugene Kaspersky

The Moscow-based computer security firm Kaspersky Lab has analyzed major new kinds of malware, including Stuxnet, which four years ago was revealed to have damaged...

Microsoft Builds a Digital 'monkey' to Hunt Fraudulent Ads
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Builds a Digital 'monkey' to Hunt Fraudulent Ads

Researchers have developed technology, known as a digital monkey, that can detect and counter fraudulent advertisements on a large scale. 

Pay with Your Fingerprint
From ACM News

Pay with Your Fingerprint

Anyone with an iPhone 5 can use its fingerprint reader to unlock the device and pay for apps or music in Apple's iTunes store.

Spinoffs from Spyland
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Spinoffs from Spyland

It takes more than a little tradecraft to spin off a startup from the National Security Agency.

Facebook Creates Software That Matches Faces Almost as Well as You Do
From ACM News

Facebook Creates Software That Matches Faces Almost as Well as You Do

Asked whether two unfamiliar photos of faces show the same person, a human being will get it right 97.53 percent of the time.

Mathematical Proof Reveals How To Make The Internet More Earthquake-Proof
From ACM News

Mathematical Proof Reveals How To Make The Internet More Earthquake-Proof

One of the common myths about the Internet is that it was originally designed during the Cold War to survive nuclear attack.

Marginally ­seful
From ACM News

Marginally ­seful

Bitcoin, a purely digital currency, is backed by no commodity and governed by no central bank, but it exists because a small number of humans have chosen to believe...

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers With Fake Secrets
From ACM TechNews

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers With Fake Secrets

Researchers have developed an approach to cryptography that makes it difficult for hackers to determine when they have correctly deciphered a password.

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers with Fake Secrets
From ACM News

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers with Fake Secrets

Ari Juels, an independent researcher who was previously chief scientist at computer security company RSA, thinks something important is missing from the cryptography...

Not Ok, Glass
From ACM TechNews

Not Ok, Glass

PlaceAvoider is software that uses computer-vision techniques to identify potentially confidential or embarrassing pictures taken with new devices such as Google...

How To Track Vehicles Using Speed Data Alone
From ACM News

How To Track Vehicles Using Speed Data Alone

Location is a key indicator of personal travel patterns and habits.

Diagnosis For ­nrealistic Technology Expectations
From ACM Opinion

Diagnosis For ­nrealistic Technology Expectations

The fiasco with the $600 million federal health insurance website wasn't all bureaucratic.

Nsa Leaks Could Inspire a Global Boom in Intrusive Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

Nsa Leaks Could Inspire a Global Boom in Intrusive Surveillance

The recent leaks of U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) surveillance programs could inspire authoritarian governments in developing economies to boost NSA-style...

Stores Sniff Out Smartphones to Follow Shoppers
From ACM News

Stores Sniff Out Smartphones to Follow Shoppers

You've just tossed a jar of peanut butter in your grocery cart when your smartphone buzzes.

Ads Could Soon Know If You're an Introvert (on Twitter)
From ACM News

Ads Could Soon Know If You're an Introvert (on Twitter)

Trying to derive a person's wants and needs—conscious or otherwise—from online browsing and buying habits has become crucial to companies of all kinds.

The Secrets of Online Money Laundering
From ACM News

The Secrets of Online Money Laundering

Money laundering is increasingly becoming a cybercrime.

Nsa's Own Hardware Backdoors May Still Be a 'problem From Hell'
From ACM TechNews

Nsa's Own Hardware Backdoors May Still Be a 'problem From Hell'

Computer hardware into which secret backdoors have been inserted by the U.S. National Security Agency and its adversaries is a tremendous security problem. 

Encrypted Heartbeats Keep Hackers from Medical Implants
From ACM TechNews

Encrypted Heartbeats Keep Hackers from Medical Implants

Rice University researchers have found a solution to the potential for hacking an implanted defibrillator. 

Academics Launch Fake Social Network to Get an Inside Look at Chinese Censorship
From ACM News

Academics Launch Fake Social Network to Get an Inside Look at Chinese Censorship

Harvard University professor Gary King this year launched a social media site to gain firsthand experience of online censorship in China.

Cryptographers Have an Ethics Problem
From ACM Opinion

Cryptographers Have an Ethics Problem

Last week, I visited the MIT computer science department looking for a very famous cryptographer.
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