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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Missing Link of Artificial Intelligence
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The Missing Link of Artificial Intelligence

In 2012 the world learned of a surprising research project inside Google's secretive X lab.

Better Brain Imaging Could Show Computers a Smarter Way to Learn
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Better Brain Imaging Could Show Computers a Smarter Way to Learn

Machine learning is an extremely clever approach to computer programming.

Will AI-Powered Hedge Funds Outsmart the Market?
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Will AI-Powered Hedge Funds Outsmart the Market?

Every day computers make many millions of electronic trades by performing delicate calculations aimed at eking out a tiny edge in terms of speed or efficiency.

Next Big Test For Ai: Making Sense of the World
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Next Big Test For Ai: Making Sense of the World

A few years ago, a breakthrough in machine learning suddenly enabled computers to recognize objects shown in photographs with unprecedented—almost spooky—accuracy...

How an AI Algorithm Learned to Write Political Speeches
From ACM TechNews

How an AI Algorithm Learned to Write Political Speeches

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence machine that learned how to write political speeches that are very similar to real speeches. 

How Future Cars Will Predict Your Driving Maneuvers Before You Make Them
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How Future Cars Will Predict Your Driving Maneuvers Before You Make Them

Buy a new car these days and the chances are that it will be fitted with an array of driver-assistance technologies.

AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures
From ACM TechNews

AI Algorithm Identifies Humorous Pictures

Researchers report training a machine-learning algorithm to recognize and generate humorous scenes. 

A Master Algorithm Lets Robots Teach Themselves to Perform Complex Tasks
From ACM News

A Master Algorithm Lets Robots Teach Themselves to Perform Complex Tasks

For all the talk of machines becoming intelligent, getting a sophisticated robot to do anything complex, like grabbing a heavy object and moving it from one place...

Baidu's Self-Driving Car Takes On Beijing Traffic
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Baidu's Self-Driving Car Takes On Beijing Traffic

Driving around Beijing often feels unnervingly like a contact sport, with vehicles recklessly plunging through thick traffic, sneaking along the shoulder, or cutting...

Here's What Developers Are Doing with Google’s AI Brain
From ACM News

Here's What Developers Are Doing with Google’s AI Brain

An artificial intelligence engine that Google uses in many of its products, and that it made freely available last month, is now being used by others to perform...

Single Artificial Neuron Taught to Recognize Hundreds of Patterns
From ACM News

Single Artificial Neuron Taught to Recognize Hundreds of Patterns

Artificial intelligence is a field in the midst of rapid, exciting change. That's largely because of an improved understanding of how neural networks work and the...

Robot Toddler Learns to Stand By "imagining" How to Do It
From ACM TechNews

Robot Toddler Learns to Stand By "imagining" How to Do It

The ability of robots to carry out tasks and move about their environment is increasingly impressive, but they still face major challenges. 

Google Tries to Make Machine Learning a Little More Human
From ACM TechNews

Google Tries to Make Machine Learning a Little More Human

Google CEO Sundar Pichai says advances in machine learning would soon affect every product and service the company provides.

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill
From ACM TechNews

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill

The fact that automated cars can never be perfectly safe raises ethical issues, such as how they should be programmed to act in the event of an unavoidable collision...

How Your Device Knows Your Life Through Images
From ACM TechNews

How Your Device Knows Your Life Through Images

Researchers have designed an artificial neural network to identify scenes in photographs taken by people using wearable cameras or mobile phones. 

Drivers Push Tesla's Autopilot Beyond Its Abilities
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Drivers Push Tesla's Autopilot Beyond Its Abilities

Enthusiastic Tesla owners cheered last Wednesday when the company enabled the use of an automated driving system, called Autopilot, in its Model S all-electric...

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill
From ACM News

Why Self-Driving Cars Must Be Programmed to Kill

When it comes to automotive technology, self-driving cars are all the rage.

A Robot Finds Its Way ­sing Artificial 'gps' Brain Cells
From ACM News

A Robot Finds Its Way ­sing Artificial 'gps' Brain Cells

The behavior and interplay of two types of neurons in the brain helps give humans and other animals an uncanny ability to navigate by building a mental map of their...

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip
From ACM News

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip

In August last year, IBM unveiled a chip designed to operate something like the neurons and synapses of the brain (see "IBM Chip Process Data Similar to the Way...

An Algorithm Helps Robots Fall Safely
From ACM News

An Algorithm Helps Robots Fall Safely

At a major robotics competition held in June, several multi-million-dollar robots struggled to perform even simple tasks like climbing a flight of stairs; someimpeccable...
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