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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Viruses Are 'rampant' on Medical Devices in Hospitals
From ACM News

Computer Viruses Are 'rampant' on Medical Devices in Hospitals

Computerized hospital equipment is increasingly vulnerable to malware infections, according to participants in a recent government panel. These infections can clog...

Ever Wondered What a Live Botnet Looks Like?
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Ever Wondered What a Live Botnet Looks Like?

The idea of a network of malware-infected zombie computers rigged to do the bidding of criminals conjures up a frightening image on its own. A new visualization...

Stuxnet Tricks Copied By Computer Criminals
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Stuxnet Tricks Copied By Computer Criminals

Malicious code apparently used by governments to spy on, harass, and sabotage one another has grabbed headlines in recent years, yet the highly targeted nature...

From ACM News

Hey, Hackers: Defense Is Sexy, Too

Pleasing the crowd at the Black Hat and Def Con computer security conferences that took place in Las Vegas last week is relatively easy: simply hop on stage and...

Nsa Boss Wants More Control Over the 'net
From ACM News

Nsa Boss Wants More Control Over the 'net

The U.S. Internet's infrastructure needs to be redesigned to allow the NSA to know instantly when overseas hackers might be attacking public or private infrastructure...

From ACM News

Gps Weakness Could Enable Mass Smartphone Hacking

Weaknesses in the technology that allows smartphone users to pinpoint themselves on a map, or check into restaurants and bars using apps such as Foursquare, could...

Statistics ­nmask Phony Online Reviews
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Statistics ­nmask Phony Online Reviews

Searching for hotels in cities they've never visited, people often turn to customer-written reviews on websites such as TripAdvisor. But how do they know those...

What Facebook Knows
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What Facebook Knows

If Facebook were a country, a conceit that founder Mark Zuckerberg has entertained in public, its 900 million members would make it the third largest in the world...

The Antivirus Era Is Over
From ACM News

The Antivirus Era Is Over

Two weeks ago today, computer security labs in Iran, Russia, and Hungary announced the discovery of Flame, "the most complex malware ever found," according to Hungary's...

How China Blocks the Tor Anonymity Network
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How China Blocks the Tor Anonymity Network

The Tor Project is a free network run by volunteers that hides users locations and usage from surveillance and traffic analysis.

From ACM News

How a Web Link Can Take Control of Your Phone

A chilling demonstration to a small, packed room at the recent RSA security conference showed how clicking a single bad Web link while using a phone running Google's...

From ACM News

How a Web Link Can Take Control of Your Phone

A chilling demonstration to a small, packed room at the RSA security conference showed how clicking a single bad Web link while using a phone running Google's Android...

Defense Department Wants More Control Over the Internet
From ACM News

Defense Department Wants More Control Over the Internet

The U.S. Department of Defense may have funded the research that led to the Internet, but freewheeling innovation created the patchwork of privately owned technology...

Ultrafast Trades Trigger Black Swan Events Every Day, Say Econophysicists
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Ultrafast Trades Trigger Black Swan Events Every Day, Say Econophysicists

On 6 May 2010, shares on U.S. financial markets suddenly dropped on average by around 10% but in over 300 stocks by more than 60%. Moments later the prices recovered...

From ACM News

Serious Flaw Emerges In Quantum Cryptography

The perfect secrecy offered by quantum mechanics appears to have been scuppered by a previously unknown practical problem, say physicists.

From ACM News

Should We Fire the First Shot in a Cyberwar?

Military bureaucracies around the world are likely to see offensive capabilities as increasingly attractive in any cyberwar, suggests the head of the computer...

Seven Ways to Get Yourself Hacked
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Seven Ways to Get Yourself Hacked

In recent months, I've met at least three people who have been the victim of hackers who've taken over their Gmail accounts and sent out emails to everyone in...

From ACM News

The Cyber Security Industrial Complex

Documents point to a huge industry that provides online surveillance tools to governments and police agencies.

Everything You Need to Know About Carrieriq
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Everything You Need to Know About Carrieriq

"Carrier IQ" is a company that sells software to wireless companies that reports how well networks are performing in real-time, by sending performance data from...

A Social-Media Decoder
From ACM News

A Social-Media Decoder

From his 24th-floor corner office in midtown Manhattan, the veteran CBS research chief David Poltrack can gaze southward down the Avenue of the Americas, its...
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