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subjectPersonal Computing
authorTechnology Review

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

When Social Media Mining Gets It Wrong

A complex picture of your personal life can now be pieced together using a variety of public data sources, and increasingly sophisticated data-mining techniques...

Phone App Could Keep an Eye on Your Ride
From ACM TechNews

Phone App Could Keep an Eye on Your Ride

Intel researchers are working on a project that connects the electronics inside a car to the Internet, so that mobile applications can provide a car owner with...

From ACM News

Can We Make Machines Listen More Carefully?

You probably use voice recognition technology already, if in a limited capacity. Maybe you use Google's voice-activated search, or take advantage of its (somewhat...

Replacing Lost Abilities with a Robot
From ACM News

Replacing Lost Abilities with a Robot

Henry Evans recently shaved himself for the first time since a stroke left him mute and partly paralyzed 10 years ago. His achievement came thanks to researchers...

A New Direction for Digital Compasses
From ACM News

A New Direction for Digital Compasses

Cell phones and many other mobile devices now come packed with sensors capable of tracking them as they move. The digital compasses, gyroscopes, and accelerometers...

From ACM News

How Divorce Lawyers Use Social Networks

Updates you've posted to Facebook and Twitter can present obvious problems when you're searching for a job or starting a new relationship. But a growing number...

From ACM News

Google Voice Search Offers Natural User Input

Google Voice Search for desktop computers isn't much more than the company porting a technology that's been on mobile phones for a while to PCs. But don't write...

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo Team Up to Advance Semantic Web
From ACM News

Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo Team Up to Advance Semantic Web

The move may finally encourage widespread use of technology that makes online information as comprehensible to computers as it is to humans. If the effort works...

Tracking Down Twitter's Best Rumor Spreaders
From ACM News

Tracking Down Twitter's Best Rumor Spreaders

Sometimes it's easy to know which messages will spread through Twitter like wildfire. Just ask Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-New York), who faces pressure to resign...

How Friends Influence Gadget Adoption
From ACM TechNews

How Friends Influence Gadget Adoption

People are more likely to buy a product that their friends have already purchased, and the spread of adoption within social networks could help predict whether...

What Bitcoin Is, and Why It Matters
From ACM News

What Bitcoin Is, and Why It Matters

Recent weeks have been exciting for a relatively new kind of currency speculator. In just three weeks, the total value of a unique new digital currency called...

The Invisible iPhone
From ACM TechNews

The Invisible iPhone

Hasso Plattner Institute researchers have developed a system that enables iPhone users to perform actions on their devices without actually holding the phone. 

The Next Big Thing in Analytics: Tracking Your Cursor's Every Move
From ACM News

The Next Big Thing in Analytics: Tracking Your Cursor's Every Move

Media, search engines, advertisers and social networks have been tracking what you click since the birth of the Web, but this measurement yields an incomplete...

A Business Analytics Engine that Began with the Military
From ACM News

A Business Analytics Engine that Began with the Military

Big technology companies like Netflix and Facebook make clever use of the digital traces we leave online: their algorithms can make connections between data and...

From ACM News

Data Analysis Is Creating New Business Opportunities

Sitting in the left-field upper deck to watch the San Francisco Giants play baseball on May 11 would cost you eight bucks if you'd bought the ticket in late April...

App-Specific Processors to Fight Dark Silicon
From ACM TechNews

App-Specific Processors to Fight Dark Silicon

University of California, San Diego researchers working on the GreenDroid project have developed software that scans the Android operating system and its most popular...

How People Broadcast Their Locations Without Meaning To
From ACM News

How People Broadcast Their Locations Without Meaning To

Smartphones include geotagging features many people aren't aware of.

Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades
From ACM News

Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades

Obsolescence is the curse of electronics: no sooner have you bought a gadget than its hardware is outdated. A new, low cost type of microchip that can rearrange...

Dialing with Your Thoughts
From ACM News

Dialing with Your Thoughts

Researchers in California have created a way to place a call on a cell phone using just your thoughts. Their new brain-computer interface is almost 100 percent...

Augmented Reality Interface Exploits Human Nervous System
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Interface Exploits Human Nervous System

The most important function of the brain is figuring out what to ignore: Research suggests that we can process only about one percent of the visual information...
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