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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Life Spreads Entanglement Across Generations
From ACM News

Quantum Life Spreads Entanglement Across Generations

Computer scientists have long known that evolution is an algorithmic process that has little to do with the nature of the beasts it creates.

Baidu's Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer Beats Google at Image Recognition
From ACM News

Baidu's Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer Beats Google at Image Recognition

Chinese search giant Baidu says it has invented a powerful supercomputer that brings new muscle to an artificial-intelligence technique giving software more power...

Even Robots Now Have Their Own Virtual World
From ACM News

Even Robots Now Have Their Own Virtual World

In a month's time, a motley assortment of robots will attempt to navigate a punishing obstacle course laid out in a fairground park in Pomona, California.

A Better Way to Build Brain-Inspired Chips
From ACM News

A Better Way to Build Brain-Inspired Chips

Memristors, exotic electronic devices only confirmed to exist in 2008, have been used to create a chip that borrows design points from the brain.

Deep Learning Machine Solves the Cocktail Party Problem
From ACM News

Deep Learning Machine Solves the Cocktail Party Problem

The cocktail party effect is the ability to focus on a specific human voice while filtering out other voices or background noise.

Smartphone Secrets May Be Better Than a Password
From ACM News

Smartphone Secrets May Be Better Than a Password

Before you read this story, try to answer the following question: Who was the first person to text you today?

White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption
From ACM News

White House and Department of Homeland Security Want a Way Around Encryption

The White House and U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials support arguments by the nation’s law enforcement and intelligence leaders that encryption technology...

How Benford's Law Reveals Suspicious Activity on Twitter
From ACM News

How Benford's Law Reveals Suspicious Activity on Twitter

Back in the 1880s, the American astronomer Simon Newcomb noticed something strange about the book of logarithmic tables in his library—the earlier pages were much...

3 Questions on Killer Robots
From ACM Opinion

3 Questions on Killer Robots

Delegates to the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons are meeting this week in Geneva to discuss fully autonomous weapons—machines that could...

Why Zapping the Brain Helps Parkinson's Patients
From ACM News

Why Zapping the Brain Helps Parkinson's Patients

Sending pulses of electricity through the brain via implanted electrodes—a procedure known as deep brain stimulation—can relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's and...

Ibm Tests Mobile Computing Pioneer's Controversial Brain Algorithms
From ACM News

Ibm Tests Mobile Computing Pioneer's Controversial Brain Algorithms

For more than a decade Jeff Hawkins, founder of mobile computing company Palm, has dedicated his time and fortune to a theory meant to explain the workings of the...

Metamaterial Radar May Improve Car and Drone Vision
From ACM News

Metamaterial Radar May Improve Car and Drone Vision

Plenty of people play with small drone aircraft in their backyards these days.

Toolkits For the Mind
From ACM Opinion

Toolkits For the Mind

When the Japanese computer scientist Yukihiro Matsumoto decided to create Ruby, a programming language that has helped build Twitter, Hulu, and much of the modern...

Rewriting the Rules of Turing's Imitation Game
From ACM News

Rewriting the Rules of Turing's Imitation Game

We have self-driving cars, knowledgeable digital assistants, and software capable of putting names to faces as well as any expert.

Pagerank Algorithm Reveals World's All-Time Top Soccer Team
From ACM News

Pagerank Algorithm Reveals World's All-Time Top Soccer Team

Google's Pagerank algorithm has become one of the most famous in computer science. It was originally designed to rank websites according to their importance by...

Engineering the Perfect Baby
From ACM News

Engineering the Perfect Baby

If anyone had devised a way to create a genetically engineered baby, I figured George Church would know about it.

Data Mining Indian Recipes Reveals New Food Pairing Phenomenon
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Indian Recipes Reveals New Food Pairing Phenomenon

Indian Institute of Technology researchers have created a flavor network in which food ingredients are linked if they appear together in the same recipe. 

Virtual Creatures in a Box, Controlled By You
From ACM Careers

Virtual Creatures in a Box, Controlled By You

A Canadian startup is working to make monsters, fish, and other creatures seem to come alive inside a tabletop box.

New Display Technology Lets Lcds Produce Princess Leia-Style Holograms
From ACM News

New Display Technology Lets Lcds Produce Princess Leia-Style Holograms

During a famous scene in Star Wars, Princess Leia has R2D2 play a holographic video message in midair in which she pleads for help from Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the near...

Internet of Dna
From ACM News

Internet of Dna

Noah is a six-year-old suffering from a disorder without a name.
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