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subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorTexas Advanced Computing Center

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Simulation Reveals Secrets of Exotic Form of Electrons
From ACM TechNews

Simulation Reveals Secrets of Exotic Form of Electrons

University of Texas at Austin researchers mapped polarons, quasiparticles consisting of an electron and its surrounding distortions of atoms in a crystal lattice...

How the Brain Prepares to Think
From ACM TechNews

How the Brain Prepares to Think

Researchers used the Texas Advanced Computing Center's Frontera supercomputer to probe the physics of thought activation in the brain.

How to Train a Robot (Using AI and Supercomputers)
From ACM TechNews

How to Train a Robot (Using AI and Supercomputers)

Computer scientists are using generative adversarial networks to train robots about objects.

Supercomputing Future Wind Power Rise
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Future Wind Power Rise

Cornell University researchers used supercomputers to project scenarios for expanding U.S. wind power capacity.

Supercomputing Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Models
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Models

Researchers have developed physics-based dynamic rupture models that can simulate complex earthquake ruptures using supercomputers.

AI Oncologist to Help Cancer Patients Worldwide
From ACM TechNews

AI Oncologist to Help Cancer Patients Worldwide

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center researchers devised a new way to automate the contouring of tumor volumes using artificial intelligence and deep neural...

How to Catch a Fish Genome With Big Data
From ACM TechNews

How to Catch a Fish Genome With Big Data

Researchers have assembled an annotated genome of the California Yellowtail for the first time.

Overcoming a Battery's Fatal Flaw
From ACM TechNews

Overcoming a Battery's Fatal Flaw

Researchers are using the Stampede and Lonestar supercomputers at the Texas Advanced Computing Center to develop next-generation lithium-metal batteries.

Supercomputing More Light Than Heat
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing More Light Than Heat

Researchers have used the eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment to gain access to more than 975,000 compute hours on the Maverick supercomputing...

Cosmos Code Helps Probe Space Oddities
From ACM TechNews

Cosmos Code Helps Probe Space Oddities

The Cosmos computer code is driving supercomputer models of black hole jets and is used to investigate other unusual space phenomena.

Anticipating Aftershocks
From ACM TechNews

Anticipating Aftershocks

Researchers in June released a major report summarizing the scientific and hazard results of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast.

Hpc, Analytical ­ltracentrifugation, and a New Detector
From ACM TechNews

Hpc, Analytical ­ltracentrifugation, and a New Detector

Recent insights into how the West Nile virus replicates using cell proteins were gained using analytical ultracentrifugation technology.

Code @ Tacc Robotics Camp Delivers on Self-Driving Cars
From ACM TechNews

Code @ Tacc Robotics Camp Delivers on Self-Driving Cars

The Texas Advanced Computing Center last month hosted a week-long summer camp during which 34 students received instruction from five staff scientists and two guest...

How Pythons Regenerate Their Organs and Other Secrets of the Snake Genome
From ACM TechNews

How Pythons Regenerate Their Organs and Other Secrets of the Snake Genome

Researchers are using supercomputers to study reptile evolution.

Advancing Cancer Immunotherapy With Computer Simulations and Data Analysis
From ACM TechNews

Advancing Cancer Immunotherapy With Computer Simulations and Data Analysis

Researchers have developed a unique mathematical model to probe interactions between prostate tumors and common cancer immunotherapies.

Supercomputing the P53 Protein as a Promising Anticancer Therapy
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing the P53 Protein as a Promising Anticancer Therapy

University of California, San Diego professor Rommie Amaro is using a supercomputer to model the tumor suppression protein p53.

From ACM TechNews


A University of Oklahoma researcher is using computational thinking to identify precursors of tornadoes by generating high-resolution simulations of supercell storms...

Supercomputers Surprisingly Link Dna Crosses to Cancer
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers Surprisingly Link Dna Crosses to Cancer

University of Texas at Austin researchers used supercomputers to discover a surprising link between cross-shaped pieces of DNA, or cruciforms, and human cancer. ...

Exotic States Materialize With Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Exotic States Materialize With Supercomputers

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have used supercomputers to find a new class of materials that possess an exotic state of matter. 

Simulating the Future of Fuel
From ACM TechNews

Simulating the Future of Fuel

University of Texas at Austin researchers are using first-principles-based, atomic-level computer simulations to improve the efficiency of fuel cells. 
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