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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Applications
authorThe Associated Press

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks
From ACM News

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks

Even cyberwar has rules, and one group of experts is putting out a manual to prove it.

Will Smart Machines Create a World Without Work?
From ACM News

Will Smart Machines Create a World Without Work?

They seem right out of a Hollywood fantasy, and they are: Cars that drive themselves have appeared in movies like "I, Robot" and the television show "Knight Rider...

Paralyzed Man Uses Brain-Powered Robot Arm to Touch
From ACM News

Paralyzed Man Uses Brain-Powered Robot Arm to Touch

Giving a high-five. Rubbing his girlfriend's hand. Such ordinary acts—but a milestone for a paralyzed man. True, a robotic arm parked next to his wheelchair did...

Mars Landing Sites Narrowed Down to Final 4
From ACM News

Mars Landing Sites Narrowed Down to Final 4

After years of poring through images from space and debating where on Mars the next NASA rover should land, it comes down to four choices.

Planet Mercury Visible Before Nasa Craft Orbits It
From ACM News

Planet Mercury Visible Before Nasa Craft Orbits It

Earth is about to get better acquainted with its oddball planetary cousin, Mercury, a rocky wonderland of extremes.

Obama Awards National Science, Technology Medals
From ACM News

Obama Awards National Science, Technology Medals

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama linked scientific discovery to helping the struggling economy Wednesday as he honored those who invented batteries for implanted...
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