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authorThe Atlantic

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Microsoft Wants to Serve You Ads Based on What You Do in Your Living Room
From ACM News

Microsoft Wants to Serve You Ads Based on What You Do in Your Living Room

A new patent application from Microsoft points to a future in which your Kinect watches you, and sends ads based on your mood.

Is It Possible to Wage a Just Cyberwar?
From ACM Opinion

Is It Possible to Wage a Just Cyberwar?

In the last week or so, cyberwarfare has made front-page news: the United States may have been behind the Stuxnet cyberattack on Iran; Iran may have suffered another...

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun
From ACM TechNews

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun

Information technology is changing the way nations wage war, with philosophical and ethical perspectives struggling to keep pace with those changes.  

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy
From ACM Opinion

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy

A mile or two away from Facebook's headquarters in Silicon Valley, Helen Nissenbaum of New York University was standing in a basement on Stanford's campus explaining...

From ACM News

I'm Being Followed: How Google

This morning, if you opened your browser and went to, an amazing thing happened in the milliseconds between your click and when the news appeared on...

What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell ­S About the Future of Education
From ACM Careers

What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell ­S About the Future of Education

Three very similar compressed software development training programs have emerged in the past few months: Code Academy (not to be confused with the startup Codecademy)...

Technology Is Our Friend... Except When It Isn't
From ACM Opinion

Technology Is Our Friend... Except When It Isn't

The technology in question starts with "gigapixel" photography. Gigapixel photos are giant panoramas that themselves consist of hundreds of component mega-pixel...

From ACM News

What to Expect from Bin Laden's Hard Drives

The Navy SEALs who raided Osama bin Laden's hideout Sunday tapped into the "mother lode of intelligence," according to a U.S. official speaking to Politico. It...

Are You Following a Bot?
From ACM Opinion

Are You Following a Bot?

How to manipulate social movements by hacking Twitter.

Prison Without Walls
From ACM News

Prison Without Walls

Incarceration in America is a failure by almost any measure. But what if the prisons could be turned inside out, with convicts released into society under constant...

Cyber Warriors
From ACM TechNews

Cyber Warriors

Purdue University's Eugene Spafford says that cybercrime has evolved into a well-financed enterprise perpetrated by mature individuals and groups of professionals...
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