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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Applications
authorThe Atlantic

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Visit to the Corporate-Industrial Robotics Competition For Teenagers
From ACM Careers

A Visit to the Corporate-Industrial Robotics Competition For Teenagers

Sometimes I think of school as an overlapping set of calendars.

The Anti-Plagiarism Machine
From ACM Careers

The Anti-Plagiarism Machine

Every day, researchers add hundreds of new papers to ArXiv, the massive public database of scientific writing and research.

How to Fool a Computer With Optical Illusions
From ACM News

How to Fool a Computer With Optical Illusions

Computers, like people, understand what they see in the world based on what they've seen before.

How Disney Is Perfecting Animated Eyeballs
From ACM News

How Disney Is Perfecting Animated Eyeballs

Creating lifelike animated characters is hard.

Nasa Rover Finds Active and Ancient Organic Chemistry on Mars
From ACM News

Nasa Rover Finds Active and Ancient Organic Chemistry on Mars

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover has measured a tenfold spike in methane, an organic chemical, in the atmosphere around it and detected other organic molecules in a...

Hacking a ­niverse's Worth of Data
From ACM Careers

Hacking a ­niverse's Worth of Data

On a Friday night in New York City you can find just about anything. And this past Friday about 130 hackers gathered in the Hayden Planetarium to participate in...

The Quiet Rise of the Satellite Spy Agency
From ACM News

The Quiet Rise of the Satellite Spy Agency

As far as intelligence agencies go, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has remained relatively low profile—attracting neither the intrigue of, say, the...

How Two Men ­nlocked Modern Encryption
From ACM Careers

How Two Men ­nlocked Modern Encryption

In September of 1974, when he was 30 years old, Whitfield Diffie was obsessed with cryptography.

The Internet Is Losing Interest in Computers
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is Losing Interest in Computers

You may know Google Trends.

Listening In: The Navy Is Tracking Ocean Sounds Collected By Scientists
From ACM News

Listening In: The Navy Is Tracking Ocean Sounds Collected By Scientists

In a retired shore station for transpacific communications cables on the western coast of Vancouver Island sits a military computer in a padlocked cage.

How to Invent a Person Online
From ACM Opinion

How to Invent a Person Online

On April 8, 2013, I received an envelope in the mail from a nonexistent return address in Toledo, Ohio.

A Rare Look Inside the Air Force's Drone Training Classroom
From ACM Careers

A Rare Look Inside the Air Force's Drone Training Classroom

Learning how to drop bombs and fire Hellfire missiles is more like sitting in a regular college classroom than you might expect.

Skip the Humans: Drug Discovery By Simulating Cells
From ACM News

Skip the Humans: Drug Discovery By Simulating Cells

The future of medicine, we're often told, will be personalized.

The Military Is Building Brain Chips to Treat Ptsd
From ACM News

The Military Is Building Brain Chips to Treat Ptsd

How well can you predict your next mood swing?

How Darpa's Augmented Reality Software Works
From ACM Opinion

How Darpa's Augmented Reality Software Works

Six years ago, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decided that they had a new dream. The agency wanted a system that would overlay digital tactical...

Making Babies
From ACM News

Making Babies

Forty years ago, there was exactly one way for humans to reproduce.

Should ­.s. Hackers Fix Cybersecurity Holes or Exploit Them?
From ACM Opinion

Should ­.s. Hackers Fix Cybersecurity Holes or Exploit Them?

There's a debate going on about whether the U.S. government—specifically, the NSA and United States Cyber Command—should stockpile Internet vulnerabilities or disclose...

Computers See Your Face as a Child. Will They Recognize You as an Adult?
From ACM TechNews

Computers See Your Face as a Child. Will They Recognize You as an Adult?

Questions have emerged about whether facial recognition technology could recognize an adult based on images of that person as a child. 

The Not-So-Distant Future When We Can All ­pgrade Our Brains
From ACM Opinion

The Not-So-Distant Future When We Can All ­pgrade Our Brains

In a decade, cognitive enhancement may have gone mainstream.

The First Look at How Google's Self-Driving Car Handles City Streets
From ACM News

The First Look at How Google's Self-Driving Car Handles City Streets

The first rule of riding in Google's self-driving car, says Dmitri Dolgov, is not to compliment Google's self-driving car.
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