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authorThe Atlantic

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Mesmerizing Beauty of Nature's Fractals
From ACM News

The Mesmerizing Beauty of Nature's Fractals

Google Earth: source of information, source of wonder, source of art. In 2010, Paul Bourke, a research associate professor at the University of Western Australia...

The Jet Propulsion Lab Is Way Weirder (and Awesomer) Than You Even Imagined
From ACM Opinion

The Jet Propulsion Lab Is Way Weirder (and Awesomer) Than You Even Imagined

For a center of cutting-edge scientific research, Caltech's Jet Propulsion Lab seems to be a pretty wacky place. Luke Johnson, a graphic designer at the lab, set...

Curiosity's Martian Playground Is Technically Located in Pasadena
From ACM Careers

Curiosity's Martian Playground Is Technically Located in Pasadena

Seventeen miles from downtown L.A., on the campus of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, there's a small stretch of earth covered in beach sand, decomposed...

The Robot of the Future That's About to Explore the Deep Past of Mars
From ACM News

The Robot of the Future That's About to Explore the Deep Past of Mars

I want to tell you about a special place on the surface of Mars. Back in the solar system's early days, a large object slammed into the red planet, leaving behind...

Inside Google's Plan to Build a Catalog of Every Single Thing, Ever
From ACM Opinion

Inside Google's Plan to Build a Catalog of Every Single Thing, Ever

The ugly truth is that computers don't know anything. They have no common sense.

Get Ready, Because Voyager I Is *this Close* to Leaving Our Solar System
From ACM News

Get Ready, Because Voyager I Is *this Close* to Leaving Our Solar System

Last week, in the corners of the Internet devoted to outer space, things started to get a little, well, hot. Voyager 1, the man-made object farthest away from Earth...

Microsoft Wants to Serve You Ads Based on What You Do in Your Living Room
From ACM News

Microsoft Wants to Serve You Ads Based on What You Do in Your Living Room

A new patent application from Microsoft points to a future in which your Kinect watches you, and sends ads based on your mood.

Is It Possible to Wage a Just Cyberwar?
From ACM Opinion

Is It Possible to Wage a Just Cyberwar?

In the last week or so, cyberwarfare has made front-page news: the United States may have been behind the Stuxnet cyberattack on Iran; Iran may have suffered another...

How Big Data Is Changing Astronomy (Again)
From ACM News

How Big Data Is Changing Astronomy (Again)

Think of all the data humans have collected over the long history of astronomy, from the cuneiform tablets of ancient Babylon to images—like the one here—taken...

The Technology That Allowed the Titanic Survivors to Survive
From ACM News

The Technology That Allowed the Titanic Survivors to Survive

More than 1,500 people died in the sinking of the Titanic, but more than 700 survived. Those who did owed their escape to the newest communications technology of...

Everything You Wanted to Know About Data Mining but Were Afraid to Ask
From ACM News

Everything You Wanted to Know About Data Mining but Were Afraid to Ask

Big data is everywhere we look these days.

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy
From ACM Opinion

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy

A mile or two away from Facebook's headquarters in Silicon Valley, Helen Nissenbaum of New York University was standing in a basement on Stanford's campus explaining...

From ACM News

I'm Being Followed: How Google

This morning, if you opened your browser and went to, an amazing thing happened in the milliseconds between your click and when the news appeared on...

The Future of Hiring: Human Resources, Without the Humans
From ACM Careers

The Future of Hiring: Human Resources, Without the Humans

Imagine a scenario where your next job interview isn't face-to-face, but face-to-screen. There are no questions about your former work experience and office habits...

From ACM News

Making It in America

In the past decade, the flow of goods emerging from U.S. factories has risen by about a third. Factory employment has fallen by roughly the same fraction.

What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell ­S About the Future of Education
From ACM Careers

What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell ­S About the Future of Education

Three very similar compressed software development training programs have emerged in the past few months: Code Academy (not to be confused with the startup Codecademy)...

From ACM News

The Revolution in Photography

When a set of online teasers for a new camera called the Lytro appeared earlier this year, you could have been forgiven for seeing the invention as just another...

There Is Life on Mars! Just One Catch
From ACM News

There Is Life on Mars! Just One Catch

NASA's Planetary Protection Officer Catharine A. Conley says that we've already contaminated the Red Planet with organisms from Earth.

The War on Red-Light Cameras
From ACM News

The War on Red-Light Cameras

Late last month, after a drawn-out battle dating back to November, Houston finally turned off its 70 red-light cameras. City residents voted them down in a referendum...

Technology Is Our Friend... Except When It Isn't
From ACM Opinion

Technology Is Our Friend... Except When It Isn't

The technology in question starts with "gigapixel" photography. Gigapixel photos are giant panoramas that themselves consist of hundreds of component mega-pixel...
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