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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectHuman Computer Interaction
authorThe Economist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Robotized Insects May Search Collapsed Buildings for Survivors
From ACM TechNews

Robotized Insects May Search Collapsed Buildings for Survivors

Researchers have developed robotized insects that could be used to search for survivors in collapsed buildings.

Economists Are Revising Their Views on Robots and Jobs
From ACM News

Economists Are Revising Their Views on Robots and Jobs

There is little evidence of a pandemic-induced surge in automation.

Robots Gathering to Help Beat Britain's Supply-Chain Shortages
From ACM TechNews

Robots Gathering to Help Beat Britain's Supply-Chain Shortages

Robotic logistics is helping to mitigate labor shortages and other supply-chain disruptions in the U.K.

To Stop the Ransomware Pandemic, Start with the Basics
From ACM News

To Stop the Ransomware Pandemic, Start with the Basics

That will help stop other sorts of cyber-mischief, too.

The Cost of Training Machines Is Becoming a Problem
From ACM TechNews

The Cost of Training Machines Is Becoming a Problem

The assumption that the cost of training computers is declining with the doubling of computing power every two years does not always hold true.

Why Voting Online Is Not the Way to Hold an Election in a Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

Why Voting Online Is Not the Way to Hold an Election in a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic's disruption to elections worldwide has rekindled interest in voting online, but experts warn it would be too vulnerable to breaches and cyberattacks...

Technology Could Make Hard Border Disappear, but at a Cost
From ACM TechNews

Technology Could Make Hard Border Disappear, but at a Cost

“Hard” borders could potentially become invisible in the next few years, but practical applications could carry high costs and intrusive electronic surveillance...

Computer Algorithms Can Test the Dodginess of Published Results
From ACM TechNews

Computer Algorithms Can Test the Dodginess of Published Results

Researchers have developed a method for algorithmically gauging manipulation of published scientific results.

Are Programs Better Than People at Predicting Reoffending?
From ACM TechNews

Are Programs Better Than People at Predicting Reoffending?

A Dartmouth College research study found the COMPAS computer program performed about as well as humans at predicting recidivism.

Teaching Robots Right From Wrong
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Teaching Robots Right From Wrong

Artificial intelligence is outperforming the human sort in a growing range of fields—but how do we make sure it behaves morally?

Spyware That Can Identify What Films You Are Watching
From ACM TechNews

Spyware That Can Identify What Films You Are Watching

New neural network-based detection algorithms can determine what movies people who use streaming services are viewing.

A Blueprint For Getting More Women Into Information Technology
From ACM TechNews

A Blueprint For Getting More Women Into Information Technology

The rise in qualified U.S. information technology graduates is far from fast enough to keep up with industry demands for IT skills.

Shrinking the Haystack
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Shrinking the Haystack

Technologists are helping counter-terrorist forces with software that can identify locations to be searched for hideouts and weapons, or be put under surveillance...

Looking For Answers
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Looking For Answers

Oxford University researchers Christoffer Nellaker and Andrew Zisserman want to make dysmorphology work better by using face-recognition technology. 

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Now There's an App For That
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Now There's an App For That

The California HealthCare Foundation offered $100,000 for an algorithm that would allow artificial intelligence to detect retinal damage due to diabetic retinopathy...

Sounds Bad
From ACM TechNews

Sounds Bad

University of Southern California's Stefan Scherer and Carnegie Mellon University's Louis-Philippe Morency are seeking to use computers to diagnose depression.

Rise of the Machines
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Rise of the Machines

Elon Musk busies himself building other people's futures.

Watch What You Say
From ACM TechNews

Watch What You Say

Mu'tah University researcher Ahmad Hassanat is developing a computerized system that can analyze the shapes human lips make as they produce different sounds. 

Note to Future Self
From ACM TechNews

Note to Future Self

Jonathan Zittrain, director of Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, is working to develop a sort of cryptographic time capsule. 

Ghosts in the Machine Language
From ACM TechNews

Ghosts in the Machine Language

Four of this year's most dangerous software exploits were examples of vulnerabilities that lay undiscovered in widely utilized code for years. 
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