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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Blueprint For Getting More Women Into Information Technology
From ACM TechNews

A Blueprint For Getting More Women Into Information Technology

The rise in qualified U.S. information technology graduates is far from fast enough to keep up with industry demands for IT skills.

Million-Dollar Babies
From ACM TechNews

Million-Dollar Babies

Experts in machine learning are in high demand because large technology companies use it in many activities.

Iran's Liberals and Conservatives Argue Over Internet Restrictions
From ACM News

Iran's Liberals and Conservatives Argue Over Internet Restrictions

When Iran's authorities started to block websites such as YouTube and Wikipedia in 2006, only a tenth of the population used the Internet.

Web Sites That ­se the Spoken Word Will Empower the Illiterate
From ACM TechNews

Web Sites That ­se the Spoken Word Will Empower the Illiterate

A variety of advancements have been made in Internet technology in the past few years, but the Internet continues to reinforce a fundamental division between those...
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