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subjectCommunications / Networking
authorThe Economist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why Voting Online Is Not the Way to Hold an Election in a Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

Why Voting Online Is Not the Way to Hold an Election in a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic's disruption to elections worldwide has rekindled interest in voting online, but experts warn it would be too vulnerable to breaches and cyberattacks...

Technology Could Make Hard Border Disappear, but at a Cost
From ACM TechNews

Technology Could Make Hard Border Disappear, but at a Cost

“Hard” borders could potentially become invisible in the next few years, but practical applications could carry high costs and intrusive electronic surveillance...

Rise of the Machines
From ACM News

Rise of the Machines

Elon Musk busies himself building other people's futures.

Watch What You Say
From ACM TechNews

Watch What You Say

Mu'tah University researcher Ahmad Hassanat is developing a computerized system that can analyze the shapes human lips make as they produce different sounds. 

Minority Languages: Cookies, Caches and Cows
From ACM TechNews

Minority Languages: Cookies, Caches and Cows

The nonprofit Mozilla foundation is seeking to give more users of its open source Web browser the option of a device that speaks their language. 

Iran's Liberals and Conservatives Argue Over Internet Restrictions
From ACM News

Iran's Liberals and Conservatives Argue Over Internet Restrictions

When Iran's authorities started to block websites such as YouTube and Wikipedia in 2006, only a tenth of the population used the Internet.

Every Step You Take
From ACM TechNews

Every Step You Take

As small cameras with the ability to identify individuals proliferate in public places and data storage prices drop, privacy issues are growing increasingly complex...

Internet Security: Besieged
From ACM TechNews

Internet Security: Besieged

The Internet Engineering Task Force recently met to discuss concerns about recent reports of the U.S. National Security Agency undermining cryptographic software...

Teaching Old Microphones New Tricks
From ACM TechNews

Teaching Old Microphones New Tricks

Mobile phone software under development can be trained to identify stress in the human voice.

Conquering Babel
From ACM News

Conquering Babel

In "Star Trek", a television series of the 1960s, no matter how far across the universe the Starship Enterprise traveled, any aliens it encountered would converse...

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?
From ACM News

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?

What could well be the next great technological disruption is fermenting away, out of sight, in small workshops, college labs, garages, and basements. Tinkerers...

What Makes Heroic Strife
From ACM News

What Makes Heroic Strife

For the past decade or so, generals commanding the world's most advanced armies have been able to rely on accurate forecasts of the outcomes of conventional battles...

Tripping the Light Fantastic
From ACM TechNews

Tripping the Light Fantastic

Casio recently unveiled a prototype for a smartphone that can transmit data using light. The phone's screen flickers with varying intensity to transmit data....

From ACM News


If you think the art of mind-reading is a conjuring trick, think again. Over the past few years, the ability to connect first monkeys and then men to machines...

Print Me a Stradivarius
From ACM News

Print Me a Stradivarius

The industrial revolution of the late 18th century made possible the mass production of goods, thereby creating economies of scale which changed the economy—and...

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy
From ACM Opinion

The 24-Hour Athenian Democracy

"I'm aware of your need to stay anonymous, but I have to be able to describe the scope of this movement. Can any of you tell me where you're typing from?"

It's a Smart World
From ACM TechNews

It's a Smart World

The spread of linked sensors and cameras, ubiquitous wireless networks, communications standards, and people's activities is facilitating a convergence of the real...

Riders on a Swarm
From ACM News

Riders on a Swarm

Mimicking the behaviour of ants, bees and birds started as a poor man’s version of artificial intelligence. It may, though, be the key to the real thing.

Icann Be Independent
From ACM TechNews

Icann Be Independent

ICANN has reached a new agreement with the U.S. government that will allow the organization to operate more independently, just before the expiration of the joint...
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