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subjectData / Storage And Retrieval
authorThe Economist

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Rise of the Machines
From ACM News

Rise of the Machines

Elon Musk busies himself building other people's futures.

Iran's Liberals and Conservatives Argue Over Internet Restrictions
From ACM News

Iran's Liberals and Conservatives Argue Over Internet Restrictions

When Iran's authorities started to block websites such as YouTube and Wikipedia in 2006, only a tenth of the population used the Internet.

Magnetic Tape to the Rescue
From ACM TechNews

Magnetic Tape to the Rescue

Magnetic tape is being revived as a viable storage medium for the vast volume of data generated, which doubles every two years at its current rate. 

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?
From ACM News

Difference Engine: The Pc All Over Again?

What could well be the next great technological disruption is fermenting away, out of sight, in small workshops, college labs, garages, and basements. Tinkerers...

Loose Clicks Sink Ships
From ACM TechNews

Loose Clicks Sink Ships

University of California, Berkeley researchers have developed a system that analyzes audio recordings of keyboard clicks to reconstruct an accurate transcript of...
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