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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorThe Guardian

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Program Allows Ordinary Digital Camera to See Round Corners
From ACM TechNews

Program Allows Ordinary Digital Camera to See Round Corners

Researchers have demonstrated a computer program that turns a normal digital camera into a periscope, allowing the camera to see objects hidden from view around...

Victoria to Allow Trial of Driverless Cars on Country Roads
From ACM TechNews

Victoria to Allow Trial of Driverless Cars on Country Roads

The state of Victoria in Australia has approved a trial of driverless cars on rural roads.

Franken-algorithms: The Deadly Consequences of ­npredictable Code
From ACM News

Franken-algorithms: The Deadly Consequences of ­npredictable Code

The death of a woman hit by a self-driving car highlights an unfolding technological crisis, as code piled on code creates 'a universe no one fully understands'...

Amazon Face Recognition Falsely Matches 28 Lawmakers With Mugshots, ACL­ Says
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Face Recognition Falsely Matches 28 Lawmakers With Mugshots, ACL­ Says

A test of Amazon's facial recognition software incorrectly matched the faces of 28 U.S. legislators to images in a mugshot database.

Holograms: Are They Still the Preserve of Science Fiction?
From ACM News

Holograms: Are They Still the Preserve of Science Fiction?

The fragile apparition endured only long enough to say: "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope" before flickering out.

Blockchain Is This Year's Buzzword, But Can It Outlive the Hype?
From ACM News

Blockchain Is This Year's Buzzword, But Can It Outlive the Hype?

The speculation around cryptocurrencies has obscured the fact that blockchain, the decentralised, open-source ledger that drives bitcoin, could radically change...

Strava Suggests Military ­sers 'opt Out' of Heatmap as Row Deepens
From ACM News

Strava Suggests Military ­sers 'opt Out' of Heatmap as Row Deepens

Fitness-tracking company Strava has defended its publication of heatmaps that accidentally reveal sensitive military positions, arguing that the information was...

Could Virtual Reality Replace Therapy?
From ACM TechNews

Could Virtual Reality Replace Therapy?

Psychologists are testing virtual reality systems as a therapeutic tool for phobias and disorders.

Robots Could Destabilise World Through War and ­nemployment, Says ­n
From ACM News

Robots Could Destabilise World Through War and ­nemployment, Says ­n

The UN has warned that robots could destabilise the world ahead of the opening of a headquarters in The Hague to monitor developments in artificial intelligence...

End of the Checkout Line: The Looming Crisis For American Cashiers
From ACM Careers

End of the Checkout Line: The Looming Crisis For American Cashiers

The day before a fully automated grocery store opened its doors in 1939, the inventor Clarence Saunders took out a full page advertisement in the Memphis Press-Scimitar...

Google Enters Race For Nuclear Fusion Technology
From ACM TechNews

Google Enters Race For Nuclear Fusion Technology

Google Research and Tri Alpha Energy have developed a computer algorithm called Optometrist that facilitates integrating high-powered computation with human judgment...

Vanishing Point: The Rise of the Invisible Computer
From ACM TechNews

Vanishing Point: The Rise of the Invisible Computer

Experts agree the steady advances of computer chip transistor shrinkage--faster chip speeds, greater efficiency, and less-expensive manufacturing--will soon reach...

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It
From ACM News

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It

The McDonald's on the corner of Third Avenue and 58th Street in New York City doesn/t look all that different from any of the fast-food chain's other locations...

Bat Chat: Machine Learning Algorithms Provide Translations For Bat Squeaks
From ACM TechNews

Bat Chat: Machine Learning Algorithms Provide Translations For Bat Squeaks

Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel studying Egyptian fruit bats have found a way to determine which bats are communicating with which other bats, what...

Theory Challenging Einstein's View on Speed of Light Could Soon Be Tested
From ACM News

Theory Challenging Einstein's View on Speed of Light Could Soon Be Tested

The newborn universe may have glowed with light beams moving much faster than they do today, according to a theory that overturns Einstein's century-old claim that...

Genevieve Bell: 'humanity's Greatest Fear Is About Being Irrelevant'
From ACM Opinion

Genevieve Bell: 'humanity's Greatest Fear Is About Being Irrelevant'

Genevieve Bell is an Australian anthropologist who has been working at tech company Intel for 18 years, where she is currently head of sensing and insights.

­se of Police Robot to Kill Dallas Shooting Suspect Believed to Be First in ­S History
From ACM News

­se of Police Robot to Kill Dallas Shooting Suspect Believed to Be First in ­S History

For what experts are calling the first time in history, US police have used a robot in a show of lethal force.

Augmented Eternity: Scientists Aim to Let ­S Speak From Beyond the Grave
From ACM TechNews

Augmented Eternity: Scientists Aim to Let ­S Speak From Beyond the Grave

Augmented eternity, the posthumous preservation of a person's knowledge, beliefs, and personality, could be feasible within 15 to 25 years.

Face Recognition App Taking Russia By Storm May Bring End to Public Anonymity
From ACM News

Face Recognition App Taking Russia By Storm May Bring End to Public Anonymity

If the founders of a new face recognition app get their way, anonymity in public could soon be a thing of the past.

'new Rembrandt' Unveiled in Amsterdam
From ACM TechNews

'new Rembrandt' Unveiled in Amsterdam

A portrait titled "the Next Rembrandt" is the end-product of an 18-month project that brought together data scientists, developers, engineers, and art historians...
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