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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorThe Guardian

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From Google to Amazon: Eu Goes to War Against Power of ­S Digital Giants
From ACM News

From Google to Amazon: Eu Goes to War Against Power of ­S Digital Giants

Within the salons of the Elysée Palace, along the corridors of the European parliament and under the glass dome of the Reichstag, Old Europe is preparing for a...

The Game Theory of Life
From ACM News

The Game Theory of Life

An insight borrowed from computer science suggests that evolution values both fitness and diversity.

Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit
From ACM Opinion

Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit

My legal saga started last summer with a knock at the door, behind which stood two federal agents ready to to serve me with a court order requiring the installation...

Google Cleared of Search Results Bias After 2-Year U.s. Investigation
From ACM News

Google Cleared of Search Results Bias After 2-Year U.s. Investigation

Google has been forced by regulators in the U.S. to agree to legally binding changes to the way it presents some search results and runs its search advertising...
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