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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorThe Guardian

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Grand Theft Auto 5: Inside the Creative Process with Dan Houser
From ACM Opinion

Grand Theft Auto 5: Inside the Creative Process with Dan Houser

We're four days away now. After a year of pre-publicity and a five-year wait since GTA IV, the latest instalment in Rockstar's gangland opus is almost upon us.

DARPA Robotics Challenge: The Search For the Perfect Robot Soldier
From ACM Careers

DARPA Robotics Challenge: The Search For the Perfect Robot Soldier

The Atlas robot looks something out of the post-apocalyptic future, or maybe a Will Smith blockbuster. It's a 330lb cyborg with eerily human-like hands and a head...

Nsa Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily
From ACM News

Nsa Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily

The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America's largest telecoms providers,...

Is Computing Speed Set to Make a Quantum Leap?
From ACM Opinion

Is Computing Speed Set to Make a Quantum Leap?

"Our imagination is stretched to the utmost," wrote Richard Feynman, the greatest physicist of his day, "not, as in fiction, to imagine things which are not really...

Bitcoin: Fastest Growing Currency in the World
From ACM News

Bitcoin: Fastest Growing Currency in the World

Bitcoin is an unregulated, uncontrolled online currency—worth more than £500m, it's the world's fastest growing.

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'
From ACM Careers

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'

YouTube has a billion unique users visiting the video-sharing website every month, equivalent to one out of every two people on the Internet—and the generationsmartphones...

Princess Leia Hologram Could Become Reality
From ACM News

Princess Leia Hologram Could Become Reality

Scientists have created a glasses-free, 3D display that could mimic the famous hologram projection of Princess Leia in the original 1977 Star Wars film.

Software that Tracks People on Social Media Created By Defence Firm
From ACM News

Software that Tracks People on Social Media Created By Defence Firm

A multinational security firm has secretly developed software capable of tracking people's movements and predicting future behaviour by mining data from social...

North Korean Students Show Google Chief How They Search Web
From ACM News

North Korean Students Show Google Chief How They Search Web

Students at North Korea's premier university have showed Google's executive chairman how they look for information online: they Google it.

Google Cleared of Search Results Bias After 2-Year U.s. Investigation
From ACM News

Google Cleared of Search Results Bias After 2-Year U.s. Investigation

Google has been forced by regulators in the U.S. to agree to legally binding changes to the way it presents some search results and runs its search advertising...

Everyone Wants a Slice of Raspberry Pi
From ACM News

Everyone Wants a Slice of Raspberry Pi

It's 9am on a lovely autumn morning at Cern, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, just outside Geneva.

Google and Microsoft ­nder Threat from the March of the Mobiles
From ACM News

Google and Microsoft ­nder Threat from the March of the Mobiles

We're used to the idea of "peak oil"—that there's only a finite amount of that stuff in the ground. What's the equivalent in the computing field?

Who Controls the Internet?
From ACM News

Who Controls the Internet?

Have you ever noticed that wherever you are in the world, every telephone keypad looks the same? Or wondered why satellites don't crash into each other? Or why...

Scientists Ponder Interstellar Travel at Nasa-Backed Space Summit
From ACM News

Scientists Ponder Interstellar Travel at Nasa-Backed Space Summit

In one room, scientists debated whether the White-Juday Warp Field Interferometer will help find a way to bend the space-time continuum and make interstellar travel...

Anonymous: Behind the Masks of the Cyber Insurgents
From ACM News

Anonymous: Behind the Masks of the Cyber Insurgents

Spalding railway station in Lincolnshire is not a big place. It takes me about two seconds to scan the platform and spot who I'm looking for: Jake Davis, aka Topiary...

'leap Second' Lengthens Weekend
From ACM News

'leap Second' Lengthens Weekend

The world is about to get a well-earned long weekend but don't make big plans because it will only last an extra second. A so-called "leap second" will be added...

Cyber-Attack Concerns Raised Over Boeing 787 Chip's 'back Door'
From ACM News

Cyber-Attack Concerns Raised Over Boeing 787 Chip's 'back Door'

Two Cambridge experts have discovered a "back door" in a computer chip used in military systems and aircraft, such as the Boeing 787, that could allow the chip...

Xbox at 10 in Europe: How the Console Shaped Gaming History
From ACM Opinion

Xbox at 10 in Europe: How the Console Shaped Gaming History

The games industry was a very different place 10 years ago. Still dominated by Japanese games and Japanese games machines, Microsoft's plans to launch its own dedicated...

From ACM News

Soft Robots Inspired By Nature Could Become Our Flexible Friends

Robbie the Robot in the 1950s movie Forbidden Planet may have been endearing in a clunky, metallic way, but negotiating tricky terrain was never his strong point...
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