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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectData / Storage And Retrieval
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Gene-Modified Ants Shed Light on How Societies Are Organized
From ACM News

Gene-Modified Ants Shed Light on How Societies Are Organized

Whether personally or professionally, Daniel Kronauer of Rockefeller University is the sort of biologist who leaves no stone unturned.

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S
From ACM News

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S

Underneath the nostalgia and hope in President Obama's farewell address Tuesday night was a darker theme: the struggle to help the people on the losing end of technological...

N.s.a. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications
From ACM News

N.s.a. Gets More Latitude to Share Intercepted Communications

In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the...

Data Could Be the Next Tech Hot Button For Regulators
From ACM News

Data Could Be the Next Tech Hot Button For Regulators

Wealth and influence in the technology business have always been about gaining the upper hand in software or the machines that software ran on.

Coming From Automakers: Voice Control That Understands You Better
From ACM News

Coming From Automakers: Voice Control That Understands You Better

Every once in a while, just for laughs, Kevin Smith-Fagan tries to call a friend of his, Priscilla, using the voice-recognition system in his 2013 Chevrolet Volt...

Cyberwar For Sale
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Cyberwar For Sale

On the morning of May 18, 2014, Violeta Lagunes was perplexed by a series of strange messages that appeared in her Gmail inbox.

The Biggest Digital Map of the Cosmos Ever Made
From ACM News

The Biggest Digital Map of the Cosmos Ever Made

On the summit of Haleakala, a dormant volcano on the island of Maui in Hawaii, a telescope began clicking pictures of the night sky in 2010.

How Russia Recruited Elite Hackers For Its Cyberwar
From ACM News

How Russia Recruited Elite Hackers For Its Cyberwar

Aleksandr B. Vyarya thought his job was to defend people from cyberattacks until, he says, his government approached him with a request to do the opposite.

Why the Computing Cloud Will Keep Growing and Growing
From ACM News

Why the Computing Cloud Will Keep Growing and Growing

Jeff Bezos of Amazon, along with a couple of his rivals, may eventually control much of the $1 trillion global market for business computers and software.

Apple and Nokia Battle Over Cellphone Patents
From ACM News

Apple and Nokia Battle Over Cellphone Patents

Apple's iPhone is a technological marvel.

The Long-Term Jobs Killer Is Not China. It's Automation.
From ACM News

The Long-Term Jobs Killer Is Not China. It's Automation.

The first job that Sherry Johnson, 56, lost to automation was at the local newspaper in Marietta, Ga., where she fed paper into the printing machines and laid out...

The Great A.i. Awakening
From ACM News

The Great A.i. Awakening

Late one Friday night in early November, Jun Rekimoto, a distinguished professor of human-computer interaction at the University of Tokyo, was online preparing...

Telescope That 'ate Astronomy' Is on Track to Surpass Hubble
From ACM News

Telescope That 'ate Astronomy' Is on Track to Surpass Hubble

The next great space telescope spread its golden wings this month.

Why You Don't Have Much Neanderthal Dna in Your Genome
From ACM News

Why You Don't Have Much Neanderthal Dna in Your Genome

Neanderthals and modern humans diverged from a common ancestor about half a million years ago.

Five Possible Hacks to Worry About Before Election Day
From ACM News

Five Possible Hacks to Worry About Before Election Day

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia dismisses the idea that he has the power to interfere with Tuesday's election.

Why Light Bulbs May Be the Next Hacker Target
From ACM News

Why Light Bulbs May Be the Next Hacker Target

The so-called Internet of Things, its proponents argue, offers many benefits: energy efficiency, technology so convenient it can anticipate what you want, even...

Beyond Silicon: Squeezing More Out of Chips
From ACM News

Beyond Silicon: Squeezing More Out of Chips

Ali Farhadi holds a puny $5 computer, called a Raspberry Pi, comfortably in his palm and exults that his team of researchers has managed to squeeze into it a powerful...

The Stakes Are Rising in Google's Antitrust Fight With Europe
From ACM Careers

The Stakes Are Rising in Google's Antitrust Fight With Europe

Google is locked in a six-year battle with Europe's antitrust officials. And the stakes for both sides are getting higher.

The Pentagon's 'terminator Conundrum': Robots That Could Kill on Their Own
From ACM News

The Pentagon's 'terminator Conundrum': Robots That Could Kill on Their Own

The small drone, with its six whirring rotors, swept past the replica of a Middle Eastern village and closed in on a mosque-like structure, its camera scanning...

A New Era of Internet Attacks Powered By Everyday Devices
From ACM News

A New Era of Internet Attacks Powered By Everyday Devices

When surveillance cameras began popping up in the 1970s and '80s, they were welcomed as a crime-fighting tool, then as a way to monitor traffic congestion, factory...
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