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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Locking More Than the Doors as Cars Become Computers on Wheels
From ACM TechNews

Locking More Than the Doors as Cars Become Computers on Wheels

Concern that cars could be hacked by criminals, terrorists, or even rogue governments has prompted a new era of security efforts within the auto industry.

How the Internet Travels Across Oceans
From ACM News

How the Internet Travels Across Oceans

The internet consists of tiny bits of code that move around the world, traveling along wires as thin as a strand of hair strung across the ocean floor. The data...

­.S. Revives Secret Program to Sabotage Iranian Missiles and Rockets
From ACM News

­.S. Revives Secret Program to Sabotage Iranian Missiles and Rockets

The Trump White House has accelerated a secret American program to sabotage Iran's missiles and rockets, according to current and former administration officials...

World Leaders at Davos Call for Global Rules on Tech
From ACM TechNews

World Leaders at Davos Call for Global Rules on Tech

Several world leaders urged global technology regulation at last week's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Curbs on A.I. Exports? Silicon Valley Fears Losing Its Edge
From ACM News

Curbs on A.I. Exports? Silicon Valley Fears Losing Its Edge

A common belief among tech industry insiders is that Silicon Valley has dominated the internet because much of the worldwide network was designed and built by Americans...

The Race Is On to Protect Data From the Next Leap in Computers. And China Has the Lead.
From ACM News

The Race Is On to Protect Data From the Next Leap in Computers. And China Has the Lead.

The world's leading technology companies, from Google to Alibaba in China, are racing to build the first quantum computer, a machine that would be far more powerful...

How Will We Outsmart AI Liars?
From ACM TechNews

How Will We Outsmart AI Liars?

The advancement of machine learning via neural networks is stoking concerns of artificial intelligence being used for mass manipulation and misinformation.

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions
From ACM Careers

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions

Some of the most critical work in advancing China's technology goals takes place in a former cement factory in the middle of the country's heartland, far from the...

Learning to Attack the Cyberattackers Can't Happen Fast Enough
From ACM TechNews

Learning to Attack the Cyberattackers Can't Happen Fast Enough

Carnegie Mellon University's CyLab Security and Privacy Institute aims to expand the boundaries of technology and protect people when that technology or its users...

At China’s Internet Conference, a Darker Side of Tech Emerges
From ACM News

At China’s Internet Conference, a Darker Side of Tech Emerges

Discussion topics included counterterrorism, data breaches, and surveillance.

­.S. Begins First Cyberoperation Against Russia Aimed at Protecting Elections
From ACM News

­.S. Begins First Cyberoperation Against Russia Aimed at Protecting Elections

The United States Cyber Command is targeting individual Russian operatives to try to deter them from spreading disinformation to interfere in elections, telling...

The Crisis of Election Security
From ACM News

The Crisis of Election Security

As the midterms approach, America's electronic voting systems are more vulnerable than ever. Why isn't anyone trying to fix them?

How Game Apps That Captivate Kids Have Been Collecting Their Data
From ACM News

How Game Apps That Captivate Kids Have Been Collecting Their Data

Before Kim Slingerland downloaded the Fun Kid Racing app for her then-5-year-old son, Shane, she checked to make sure it was in the family section of the Google...

Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?

In a May memo to President Trump, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis implored him to create a national strategy for artificial intelligence.

'Weaponized Ad Technology': Facebook's Moneymaker Gets a Critical Eye
From ACM News

'Weaponized Ad Technology': Facebook's Moneymaker Gets a Critical Eye

Facebook has made a mint by enabling advertisers to identify and reach the very people most likely to react to their messages.

As Cars Collect More Data, Companies Try to Move It All Faster
From ACM Careers

As Cars Collect More Data, Companies Try to Move It All Faster

Cars need to get faster—not on the road, but on the inside.

Banks and Retailers Are Tracking How You Type, Swipe and Tap
From ACM News

Banks and Retailers Are Tracking How You Type, Swipe and Tap

When you're browsing a website and the mouse cursor disappears, it might be a computer glitch—or it might be a deliberate test to find out who you are.

The Flourishing Business of Fake YouTube Views
From ACM News

The Flourishing Business of Fake YouTube Views

Martin Vassilev makes a good living selling fake views on YouTube videos. Working from home in Ottawa, he has sold about 15 million views so far this year, putting...

A Generation Grows ­p in China Without Google, Facebook or Twitter
From ACM News

A Generation Grows ­p in China Without Google, Facebook or Twitter

Wei Dilong, 18, who lives in the southern Chinese city of Liuzhou, likes basketball, hip-hop music and Hollywood superhero movies. He plans to study chemistry in...

Google, Seeking a Return to China, Is Said to Be Building a Censored Search Engine
From ACM News

Google, Seeking a Return to China, Is Said to Be Building a Censored Search Engine

Google withdrew from China eight years ago to protest the country's censorship and online hacking.
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