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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Fight for Tech Supremacy Intensifies as ­.S. Takes Aim at Chinese Companies
From ACM News

Fight for Tech Supremacy Intensifies as ­.S. Takes Aim at Chinese Companies

The United States undercut China's technology ambitions on Tuesday, advancing a new rule that would limit the ability of Chinese telecommunications companies to...

Robots Ride to the Rescue Where Workers Can't Be Found
From ACM News

Robots Ride to the Rescue Where Workers Can't Be Found

When Zbynek Frolik needed new employees to handle surging orders at his cavernous factories in central Bohemia, he fanned advertisements across the Czech Republic...

A Tough Task for Facebook: European-Type Privacy for All
From ACM News

A Tough Task for Facebook: European-Type Privacy for All

Next month, a comprehensive new data protection law goes into effect in the European Union, placing greater requirements on how companies like Facebook and Google...

Tech Thinks It Has a Fix for the Problems It Created: Blockchain
From ACM News

Tech Thinks It Has a Fix for the Problems It Created: Blockchain

Entrepreneurs, companies, and governments look to use databases like Blockchain—often independent of Bitcoin—to solve some of the most intractable issues facing...

Justice Dept. Revives Push to Mandate a Way to ­nlock Phones
From ACM News

Justice Dept. Revives Push to Mandate a Way to ­nlock Phones

Federal law enforcement officials are renewing a push for a legal mandate that tech companies build tools into smartphones and other devices that would allow access...

For the ­.S. and China, a Technology Cold War That's Freezing Over
From ACM News

For the ­.S. and China, a Technology Cold War That's Freezing Over

A cold war is being waged across the world's most advanced industries. And it just got a lot chillier.

Pentagon Wants Silicon Valley’s Help on A.I.
From ACM News

Pentagon Wants Silicon Valley’s Help on A.I.

There is little doubt that the Defense Department needs help from Silicon Valley's biggest companies as it pursues work on artificial intelligence. The question...

Madison Square Garden Has Used Face-Scanning Technology on Customers
From ACM News

Madison Square Garden Has Used Face-Scanning Technology on Customers

Madison Square Garden has quietly used facial-recognition technology to bolster security and identify those entering the building, according to multiple people...

The New ­.S.-China Rivalry: A Technology Race
From ACM News

The New ­.S.-China Rivalry: A Technology Race

As the United States and China look to protect their national security needs and economic interests, the fight between the two financial superpowers is increasingly...

It’s True: False News Spreads Faster and Wider. And Humans Are to Blame.
From ACM News

It’s True: False News Spreads Faster and Wider. And Humans Are to Blame.

What if the scourge of false news on the internet is not the result of Russian operatives or partisan zealots or computer-controlled bots? What if the main problem...

Google Researchers Are Learning How Machines Learn
From ACM News

Google Researchers Are Learning How Machines Learn

Machines are starting to learn tasks on their own. They are identifying faces, recognizing spoken words, reading medical scans and even carrying on their own conversations...

­ncovering the Secrets of the 'Girl With a Pearl Earring'
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­ncovering the Secrets of the 'Girl With a Pearl Earring'

"How did the 'Girl With a Pearl Earring' come to life? What steps did Vermeer take to make this painting?"

The Myth of the Hacker-Proof Voting Machine
From ACM News

The Myth of the Hacker-Proof Voting Machine

In 2011, the election board in Pennsylvania's Venango County—a largely rural county in the northwest part of the state—asked David A. Eckhardt, a computer science...

After Florida School Shooting, Russian 'Bot' Army Pounced
From ACM News

After Florida School Shooting, Russian 'Bot' Army Pounced

One hour after news broke about the school shooting in Florida last week, Twitter accounts suspected of having links to Russia released hundreds of posts taking...

Astronomers' Dark Energy Hopes Fade to Gray
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Astronomers' Dark Energy Hopes Fade to Gray

A star-crossed mission nearly 20 years in the making that was intended to seek an answer to the most burning, baffling question in astronomy—and perhaps elucidate...

How Artificial Intelligence Is Edging Its Way Into Our Lives
From ACM News

How Artificial Intelligence Is Edging Its Way Into Our Lives

In Phoenix, Ariz., cars are self-navigating the streets. In many homes, people are barking commands at tiny machines, with the machines responding. On our smartphones...

As China Marches Forward on  A.I., the White House Is Silent
From ACM News

As China Marches Forward on A.I., the White House Is Silent

In July, China unveiled a plan to become the world leader in artificial intelligence and create an industry worth $150 billion to its economy by 2030.

Newly Discovered Form of Water Ice Is 'really Strange'
From ACM News

Newly Discovered Form of Water Ice Is 'really Strange'

Scientists have confirmed a form of water that is simultaneously solid and liquid. It is the latest advance in the study of water, a seemingly simple substance...

If Workers Slack Off, the Wristband Will Know. (and Amazon Has a Patent For It.)
From ACM News

If Workers Slack Off, the Wristband Will Know. (and Amazon Has a Patent For It.)

What if your employer made you wear a wristband that tracked your every move, and that even nudged you via vibrations when it judged that you were doing something...

Twitter Followers Vanish Amid Inquiries Into Fake Accounts
From ACM News

Twitter Followers Vanish Amid Inquiries Into Fake Accounts

More than a million followers have disappeared from the accounts of dozens of prominent Twitter users in recent days as the company faces growing criticism over...
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