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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

NFTs Are Shaking Up the Art World. They May Be Warming the Planet, Too.
From ACM TechNews

NFTs Are Shaking Up the Art World. They May Be Warming the Planet, Too.

Digital artworks known as nonfungible tokens are selling for massive sums, but research indicates their creation may carry an enormous environmental cost.

What Are the Roadblocks to a 'Vaccine Passport'?
From ACM News

What Are the Roadblocks to a 'Vaccine Passport'?

Creating a digital certificate of vaccination against the coronavirus is one of the hottest debates right now. What's keeping it from happening, and why are some...

'It's a Roller-Coaster Ride': Global Chip Shortage Is Making Industries Sweat
From ACM News

'It's a Roller-Coaster Ride': Global Chip Shortage Is Making Industries Sweat

The Internet-connected world is completely dependent on the production of semiconductors. That's become a problem now that supplies are running short.

Coinbase's Public Listing Is a Cryptocurrency Coming-Out Party
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Coinbase's Public Listing Is a Cryptocurrency Coming-Out Party

With acceptance from traditional investors, a profitable start-up that eases transactions is offering proof of the industry's staying power.

Likely Legal, 'Vaccine Passports' Emerge as the Next Coronavirus Divide
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Likely Legal, 'Vaccine Passports' Emerge as the Next Coronavirus Divide

Businesses and universities want easy ways to see if students and customers are vaccinated, but conservative politicians are turning "vaccine passports" into a...

That Spotty Wi-Fi? There’s $100 Billion to Fix It.
From ACM News

That Spotty Wi-Fi? There’s $100 Billion to Fix It.

Clearing hurdles to fast Internet for all.

What a Gambling App Knows About You
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What a Gambling App Knows About You

Sky Bet, the most popular gambling app in Britain, compiled extensive records about a user, tracking him in ways he never imagined.

Carmakers Strive to Stay Ahead of Hackers
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Carmakers Strive to Stay Ahead of Hackers

The effects of a breach of a car, or fleet, could be devastating. Auto manufacturers and suppliers have aggressive plans, and a lot of firewalls.

Livestreaming, Still Niche, Grows as a Tool for Retailers
From ACM News

Livestreaming, Still Niche, Grows as a Tool for Retailers

Amazon Live is a prominent example of how interactive video shopping, popularized by TV networks like QVC, has moved online.

White House Weighs New Cybersecurity Approach After Failure to Detect Hacks
From ACM News

White House Weighs New Cybersecurity Approach After Failure to Detect Hacks

The intelligence agencies missed massive intrusions by Russia and China, forcing the administration and Congress to look for solutions, including closer partnership...

Faulty Software Snarls Vaccine Sign-Ups
From ACM TechNews

Faulty Software Snarls Vaccine Sign-Ups

Persistent flaws in software for setting up COVID-19 vaccination appointments online threaten to slow the U.S. vaccine rollout.

Russia Says It Is Slowing Access to Twitter
From ACM News

Russia Says It Is Slowing Access to Twitter

Moscow accused the social network of failing to remove content it deemed illegal. Soon after, a raft of government websites suffered a short outage.

A.I. Here, There, Everywhere
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A.I. Here, There, Everywhere

Many of us already live with artificial intelligence now, but researchers say interactions with the technology will become increasingly personalized.

The Robots Are Coming for Phil in Accounting
From ACM TechNews

The Robots Are Coming for Phil in Accounting

Many U.S. companies are adopting software to perform tasks that previously involved teams of employees, and white-collar workers are concerned.

China Charges Ahead with National Digital Currency
From ACM TechNews

China Charges Ahead with National Digital Currency

China is forging ahead with a national digital currency called the electronic Chinese yuan (eCNY).

How One State Managed to Actually Write Rules on Facial Recognition
From ACM News

How One State Managed to Actually Write Rules on Facial Recognition

Massachusetts is one of the first states to put legislative guardrails around the use of facial recognition technology in criminal investigations.

The Long, Painful Path of Net Neutrality
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The Long, Painful Path of Net Neutrality

Where the war over net neutrality stands, and why it (sort of) matters today.

California Wins Court Victory for Its Net Neutrality Law
From ACM News

California Wins Court Victory for Its Net Neutrality Law

A federal judge's ruling can allow the state to go ahead with its law while a lawsuit works its way through the courts.

After Russian Cyberattack, Looking for Answers and Debating Retaliation
From ACM News

After Russian Cyberattack, Looking for Answers and Debating Retaliation

Senators and corporate executives warned Tuesday that the "scope and scale" of the hacking of government agencies and companies were still unclear.

Why an Animated Flying Cat With a Pop-Tart Body Sold for Almost $600,000
From ACM News

Why an Animated Flying Cat With a Pop-Tart Body Sold for Almost $600,000

A fast-growing market for digital art, ephemera and media is marrying the world's taste for collectibles with cutting-edge technology.
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