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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Where Do Vaccine Doses Go, Who Gets Them? The Algorithms Decide
From ACM TechNews

Where Do Vaccine Doses Go, Who Gets Them? The Algorithms Decide

Trump administration officials last year formulated a Covid-19 vaccine distribution plan that has an algorithm allocate shots nationwide.

How the United States Lost to Hackers
From ACM News

How the United States Lost to Hackers

America's biggest vulnerability in cyberwarfare is hubris.

Clearview AI’s Facial Recognition App Called Illegal in Canada
From ACM News

Clearview AI’s Facial Recognition App Called Illegal in Canada

Canadian authorities declared that the company needed citizens' consent to use their biometric information, and told the firm to delete facial images from its database...

What We Learned From Apple’s New Privacy Labels
From ACM News

What We Learned From Apple’s New Privacy Labels

Requiring that app makers list the data they collect reveals a lot about what some apps do with our information (ahem, WhatsApp) but creates confusion about others...

They Found a Way to Limit Big Tech’s Power: Using the Design of Bitcoin
From ACM News

They Found a Way to Limit Big Tech’s Power: Using the Design of Bitcoin

Companies inspired by the cryptocurrency are creating social networks, storing online content and hosting websites without any central authority.

When Joe Biden Took the White House, He Also Took @WhiteHouse
From ACM News

When Joe Biden Took the White House, He Also Took @WhiteHouse

The transition of official White House social media handles in 2020 was more complicated than four years ago.

Microsoft, Oracle and Salesforce Join Push for Digital Vaccination Credentials
From ACM News

Microsoft, Oracle and Salesforce Join Push for Digital Vaccination Credentials

In the U.S., there is no federal system consumers can use to get easy access to their immunization records online and establish their vaccination status for work...

Millions Flock to Telegram, Signal as Fears Grow Over Big Tech
From ACM News

Millions Flock to Telegram, Signal as Fears Grow Over Big Tech

The encrypted messaging services have become the world's hottest apps over the last week, driven by growing anxiety over the power of the biggest tech companies...

Slouch or Slack Off, This 'Smart' Office Chair Cushion Will Record It
From ACM TechNews

Slouch or Slack Off, This 'Smart' Office Chair Cushion Will Record It

"Smart cushions" designed by a Chinese technology company and used in office chairs have engendered controversy over privacy and surveillance.

Microsoft Says Russian Hackers Viewed Some of Its Source Code
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Says Russian Hackers Viewed Some of Its Source Code

Microsoft on Thursday said the Russian exploit of U.S. government agencies and private corporations extended further into its network than previously thought.

Another Arrest, and Jail Time, Due to a Bad Facial Recognition Match
From ACM News

Another Arrest, and Jail Time, Due to a Bad Facial Recognition Match

A New Jersey man was accused of shoplifting and trying to hit an officer with a car. He is the third known Black man to be wrongfully arrested based on face recognition...

Microsoft's Lessons for Google
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Microsoft's Lessons for Google

What the Microsoft case teaches us about antitrust and the power of Big Tech today.

More Hacking Attacks Found as Officials Warn of 'Grave Risk' to U.S. Government
From ACM News

More Hacking Attacks Found as Officials Warn of 'Grave Risk' to U.S. Government

Minutes after the government statement, President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. warned his administration would impose "substantial costs" on those responsible.

Vaccinated? Show Us Your App
From ACM TechNews

Vaccinated? Show Us Your App

Recipients of the Covid-19 vaccine may eventually be given digital health credentials in order to travel, go to work or school, visit entertainment venues, and...

Scope of Russian Hack Becomes Clear: Multiple U.S. Agencies Were Hit
From ACM News

Scope of Russian Hack Becomes Clear: Multiple U.S. Agencies Were Hit

The Pentagon, intelligence agencies, nuclear labs, and Fortune 500 companies use software found to have been compromised by Russian hackers. The sweep of stolen...

Russian Hackers Broke Into Federal Agencies, U.S. Officials Suspect
From ACM News

Russian Hackers Broke Into Federal Agencies, U.S. Officials Suspect

In one of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest hacks in more than five years, email systems were breached at the Treasury and Commerce Departments. Other...

Smarter Traffic Lights, Calmer Commuters
From ACM News

Smarter Traffic Lights, Calmer Commuters

Advances in technology may come to a corner near you, easing traffic and possibly helping the environment.

Police Drones Are Starting to Think for Themselves
From ACM News

Police Drones Are Starting to Think for Themselves

In one Southern California city, flying drones with artificial intelligence are aiding investigations while presenting new civil rights questions.

Cyberattacks Discovered on Vaccine Distribution Operations
From ACM News

Cyberattacks Discovered on Vaccine Distribution Operations

IBM has found that companies and governments have been targeted by unknown attackers, prompting a warning from the Homeland Security Department.

Surviving Weed-Out Classes in Science May Be a State of Mind
From ACM News

Surviving Weed-Out Classes in Science May Be a State of Mind

Social ties to classmates and how students feel could be more important than innate ability when it comes to enduring early STEM courses.
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