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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPersonal Computing
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses
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Google Begins Testing Its Augmented-Reality Glasses

If you venture into a coffee shop in the coming months and see someone with a pair of futuristic glasses that look like a prop from "Star Trek," don’t worry.

The Soul of the New Hacktivist
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The Soul of the New Hacktivist

In 1988, a Cornell graduate student, Robert Tappan Morris, let loose a computer worm on the fledgling version of the Internet. He said it was meant to be an experiment...

Et Tu, Google? Android Apps Can Also Secretly Copy Photos
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Et Tu, Google? Android Apps Can Also Secretly Copy Photos

It's not just Apple. Photos are vulnerable on Android phones, too.

For Impatient Web Users, an Eye Blink Is Just Too Long to Wait
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For Impatient Web Users, an Eye Blink Is Just Too Long to Wait

Wait a second. No, that's too long.

Microsoft Ponders Future of Kinect, Tech
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Microsoft Ponders Future of Kinect, Tech

When Microsoft thinks about the future of technology, it seems to do so with its stomach.

In Attack on Vatican Web Site, a Glimpse of Hackers' Tactics
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In Attack on Vatican Web Site, a Glimpse of Hackers' Tactics

The elusive hacker movement known as Anonymous has carried out Internet attacks on well-known organizations like Sony and PBS. In August, the group went after its...

A Law Apple Would Like to Break
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A Law Apple Would Like to Break

These days, it’s hard to find a superlative that adequately describes Apple. But maybe simplest is best: biggest.

Behind the Google Goggles, Virtual Reality
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Behind the Google Goggles, Virtual Reality

It wasn't so long ago that legions of people began walking the streets, talking to themselves. On closer inspection, many of them turned out to be wearing tiny...

Traveling Light in a Time of Digital Thievery
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Traveling Light in a Time of Digital Thievery

When Kenneth G. Lieberthal, a China expert at the Brookings Institution, travels to that country, he follows a routine that seems straight from a spy film.

In Data Deluge, Multitaskers Go to Multiscreens
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In Data Deluge, Multitaskers Go to Multiscreens

Workers in the digital era can feel at times as if they are playing a video game, battling the barrage of emails and instant messages, juggling documents, Web sites...

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Wolfram, a Search Engine, Finds Answers Within Itself

Stephen Wolfram, a 52-year-old scientist, software designer and entrepreneur, tends to go his own way—often with noteworthy results.

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For $2 a Star, an Online Retailer Gets 5-Star Product Reviews

In the brutal world of online commerce, where a competing product is just a click away, retailers need all the juice they can get to close a sale.

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Build ­p Your Phone's Defenses Against Hackers

Chuck Bokath would be terrifying if he were not such a nice guy. A jovial senior engineer at the Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta, Mr. Bokath can hack...

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Pursuing Iphone Thief, Officer Knew Right Buttons to Push

As crime-solving tools go, it may not have the same pedigree as, say, the oversize magnifying glass.

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Sign Says What? Park at Your Peril

Writing is a craft whose basic purpose is to transmit meaning, but there are certain writers who seem to have different goals in mind: patent lawyers, many poets...

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How ­.s. Lost Out on Iphone Work

When Barack Obama joined Silicon Valley's top luminaries for dinner in California last February, each guest was asked to come with a question for the president.

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A Wireless Road Around Data Traffic Jams

The vast data centers that process information for the Facebooks and Amazons of the Web work at a brisk clip. But even so, they can't always keep up.

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Google Adds Posts From Its Social Network to Search Results

Google's popularity was built on its ability to help people find just the right Web pages. Then came the social Web, led by Facebook, where people go to see vast...

The Critics Rave... For Microsoft?
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The Critics Rave... For Microsoft?

"Gorgeous," raves The Huffington Post. "Best-looking smartphone operating system in the industry," gushes Slate. "Far superior to most if not all the Android...

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In M.t.a. App Contest, Many Buttons Worth Pushing

How do you create public-service software? Run a contest.
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