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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Europe Tried to Rein In Google. It Backfired.
From ACM News

Europe Tried to Rein In Google. It Backfired.

Google is a top target for European regulators and privacy watchdogs, who openly fear and distrust its dominance.

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry
From ACM News

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry

Two international arms control groups on Monday issued a report that called for maintaining human control over a new generation of weapons that are increasingly...

Billing by Millionths of Pennies, Cloud Computing's Giants Take In Billions
From ACM Careers

Billing by Millionths of Pennies, Cloud Computing's Giants Take In Billions

Imagine building an enormous beach resort, maybe the best in the world.

Apple's New Challenge: Learning How the ­.s. Cracked Its Iphone
From ACM News

Apple's New Challenge: Learning How the ­.s. Cracked Its Iphone

Now that the United States government has cracked open an iPhone that belonged to a gunman in the San Bernardino, Calif., mass shooting without Apple's help, the...

American Tech Giants Face Fight in Europe Over Encrypted Data
From ACM News

American Tech Giants Face Fight in Europe Over Encrypted Data

Silicon Valley's battle over encryption is heading to Europe.

­.s. Says It Has ­nlocked Iphone Without Apple, Ending Lawsuit
From ACM News

­.s. Says It Has ­nlocked Iphone Without Apple, Ending Lawsuit

The Justice Department said Monday that it had found a way to unlock an iPhone without help from Apple, allowing the agency to withdraw its legal effort to compel...

The Race Is On to Control Artificial Intelligence, and Tech's Future
From ACM News

The Race Is On to Control Artificial Intelligence, and Tech's Future

The resounding win by a Google artificial intelligence program over a champion in the complex board game Go this month was a statement—not so much to professional...

In the Apple Case, a Debate Over Data Hits Home
From ACM News

In the Apple Case, a Debate Over Data Hits Home

Three years ago, reeling from Edward J. Snowden’s disclosure of the government’s vast surveillance programs and uncertain how to respond, President Obama said he...

Apple and U.s. Bitterly Turn Up Volume in Iphone Privacy Fight
From ACM News

Apple and U.s. Bitterly Turn Up Volume in Iphone Privacy Fight

The Obama administration argued on Thursday that "no single corporation"—even one as successful as Apple—should be allowed to flout the rule of law by refusingF...

Taking Baby Steps Toward Software That Reasons Like Humans
From ACM News

Taking Baby Steps Toward Software That Reasons Like Humans

Richard Socher appeared nervous as he waited for his artificial intelligence program to answer a simple question: "Is the tennis player wearing a cap?"

At Rsa Conference, Unlikely Allies Address Value of Digital Security
From ACM News

At Rsa Conference, Unlikely Allies Address Value of Digital Security

To Amit Yoran, a digital security veteran, the fight between Apple and the F.B.I. over access to an iPhone can be viewed in black-and-white terms: What law enforcement...

White House Officials Soften Approach at Rsa Conference
From ACM News

White House Officials Soften Approach at Rsa Conference

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch joined a parade of Obama administration officials to tech's home turf on Tuesday. Their message: National security depends on...

Apple Is Said to Be Trying to Make It Harder to Hack Iphone
From ACM News

Apple Is Said to Be Trying to Make It Harder to Hack Iphone

Apple engineers have begun developing new security measures that would make it impossible for the government to break into a locked iPhone using methods similar...

Apple Sees Value in Its Stand to Protect Security
From ACM News

Apple Sees Value in Its Stand to Protect Security

It took six years for Apple to persuade China's largest wireless carrier, China Mobile, to sell the iPhone.

Tim Cook Opposes Order For Apple to ­nlock Iphone, Setting ­p Showdown
From ACM News

Tim Cook Opposes Order For Apple to ­nlock Iphone, Setting ­p Showdown

Apple said on Wednesday that it would oppose and challenge a federal court order to help the F.B.I. unlock an iPhone used by one of the two attackers who killed...

Creating a Computer Voice That People Like
From ACM News

Creating a Computer Voice That People Like

When computers speak, how human should they sound?

New Ways Into the Brain's 'music Room'
From ACM News

New Ways Into the Brain's 'music Room'

Whether to enliven a commute, relax in the evening or drown out the buzz of a neighbor's recreational drone, Americans listen to music nearly four hours a day.

At Berkeley, a New Digital Privacy Protest
From ACM News

At Berkeley, a New Digital Privacy Protest

After hackers breached the computer network of the U.C.L.A. medical center last summer, Janet Napolitano, president of the University of California, and her office...

Alphabet Program Beats the European Human Go Champion
From ACM TechNews

Alphabet Program Beats the European Human Go Champion

The AlphaGo program beat European Go champion Fan Hui in a series of five matches and achieved a 99.8-percent winning rate against other Go programs. 

Marvin Minsky, Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, Dies at 88
From ACM News

Marvin Minsky, Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, Dies at 88

Marvin Minsky, who combined a scientist's thirst for knowledge with a philosopher's quest for truth as a pioneering explorer of artificial intelligence, work that...
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