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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'Very Harmful' Lack of Data Blunts U.S. Response to Outbreaks
From ACM News

'Very Harmful' Lack of Data Blunts U.S. Response to Outbreaks

Major data gaps, the result of decades of underinvestment in public health, have undercut the government response to the coronavirus, and now to monkeypox.

This Ad's for You (Not Your Neighbor)
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This Ad's for You (Not Your Neighbor)

Data mining plus streaming can target political ads household by household, mostly unregulated.

Clearview AI, Used by Police to Find Criminals, Is Now in Public Defenders' Hands
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Clearview AI, Used by Police to Find Criminals, Is Now in Public Defenders' Hands

After a Florida man was accused of vehicular homicide, his lawyer used Clearview AI's facial recognition software to prove his innocence.

The Animal Translators
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The Animal Translators

Researchers are using machine learning systems to decode animal communication.

Did My Cat Just Hit On Me? An Adventure in Pet Translation
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Did My Cat Just Hit On Me? An Adventure in Pet Translation

Entrepreneurs are aiming to put A.I.-powered pet translation tools into our pockets.

The Animal Translators
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The Animal Translators

Scientists are using machine learning to eavesdrop on naked mole rats, fruit bats, crows, and whales—and to communicate back.

Google Finds 'Inoculating' People Against Misinformation Helps Blunt Its Power
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Google Finds 'Inoculating' People Against Misinformation Helps Blunt Its Power

British researchers and a team from Google found that teaching people how to spot misinformation made people more skeptical of it.

A.I. Predicts the Shape of Nearly Every Protein Known to Science
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A.I. Predicts the Shape of Nearly Every Protein Known to Science

DeepMind has expanded its database of microscopic biological mechanisms, hoping to accelerate research into all living things.

In a Post-Roe World, the Future of Digital Privacy Looks Even Grimmer
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In a Post-Roe World, the Future of Digital Privacy Looks Even Grimmer

The sheer amount of tech tools and knowledge required to discreetly seek an abortion underlines how wide open we are to surveillance.

Can Virtual Reality Help Autistic Children Navigate the Real World?
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Can Virtual Reality Help Autistic Children Navigate the Real World?

One company, Floreo, is hoping their tools will lead the way, despite some criticisms from autism self-advocates.

Meta Agrees to Alter Ad Technology in Settlement with U.S.
From ACM TechNews

Meta Agrees to Alter Ad Technology in Settlement with U.S.

Meta agreed to change its advertising technology and to pay a penalty as part of a settlement over allegations it had discriminated against Facebook users.

Killer Asteroids Are Hiding in Plain Sight. A New Tool Helps Spot Them
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Killer Asteroids Are Hiding in Plain Sight. A New Tool Helps Spot Them

Researchers have built an algorithm that can scan old astronomical images for unnoticed space rocks, helping to detect objects that could one day imperil Earth....

Chinese Hackers Tried to Steal Russian Defense Data, Report Says
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Chinese Hackers Tried to Steal Russian Defense Data, Report Says

The campaign detailed by a cybersecurity firm highlights Beijing's increasingly sophisticated tactics to spy on an array of targets, including countries it considers...

Which Animal Viruses Could Infect People? Computers Are Racing to Find Out
From ACM News

Which Animal Viruses Could Infect People? Computers Are Racing to Find Out

Machine learning is known for its ability to spot fraudulent credit charges or recognize faces. Now researchers are siccing the technology on viruses.

Can Robots Save Nursing Homes?
From ACM TechNews

Can Robots Save Nursing Homes?

As more nursing home and assisted living facility staff leave the profession, some facilities are turning to robots to fill in the gaps.

Can AI All but End Car Crashes? The Potential Is There
From ACM TechNews

Can AI All but End Car Crashes? The Potential Is There

Proponents of artificial intelligence believe it can be used to predict, and help to prevent, dangerous driving behaviors.

A.I. Is Mastering Language. Should We Trust What It Says?
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A.I. Is Mastering Language. Should We Trust What It Says?

OpenAI's GPT-3 and other neural nets can now write original prose with mind-boggling fluency — a development that could have profound implications for the future...

Facial Recognition Goes to War
From ACM TechNews

Facial Recognition Goes to War

Hoan Ton-That enlisted his facial recognition company Clearview AI in Russia’s war on Ukraine by tapping its technology to help bring some clarity to the conflict...

You're Still Being Tracked on the Internet, Just in a Different Way
From ACM News

You're Still Being Tracked on the Internet, Just in a Different Way

Apple and Google are pushing privacy changes, but a shift in digital tracking is giving some platforms a bigger advertising advantage.

How Native Americans Try to Debug AI's Biases
From ACM TechNews

How Native Americans Try to Debug AI's Biases

At the recent American Indian Science and Engineering Society, students in a workshop created metadata to train an algorithm to understand an image's cultural significance...
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