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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

See 'Spot' Save: Robot Dogs Join NY Fire Department
From ACM News

See 'Spot' Save: Robot Dogs Join NY Fire Department

Plans to use two new robot dogs only in precarious search and rescue missions may help avoid the controversy that met the Police Department's robots last year. ...

Here Come the Artificial Intelligence Nutritionists
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Here Come the Artificial Intelligence Nutritionists

Companies are experimenting with personalized diet apps, saying the future of healthy eating is A.I.

Reality Intrudes on a Utopian Crypto Vision
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Reality Intrudes on a Utopian Crypto Vision

The cryptocurrency boom has spawned enterprises democratically governed by a community of users. Or that's the theory. Making it work has been much mess

Twitter Wants to Reinvent Itself, by Merging the Old With the New
From ACM News

Twitter Wants to Reinvent Itself, by Merging the Old With the New

The company is undertaking a far-reaching effort to change how it works. For some, it is an echo of their early idealism and a vision for what the Internet could...

Millions for Crypto Start-Ups, No Real Names Necessary
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Millions for Crypto Start-Ups, No Real Names Necessary

Investors give money to pseudonymous developers. Venture capitalists back founders without learning their real names. What happens when they need to know?

Here Comes the Full Amazonification of Whole Foods
From ACM News

Here Comes the Full Amazonification of Whole Foods

A newly revamped store in Washington shows how thoroughly Amazon has woven itself into the grocery shopping experience.

Russia Intensifies Censorship Campaign, Pressuring Tech Giants
From ACM News

Russia Intensifies Censorship Campaign, Pressuring Tech Giants

Google, Apple and others were warned that they must comply with a new law, which would make them more vulnerable to the Kremlin's censorship demands.

IRS Allows Taxpayers to Forgo Facial Recognition Amid Blowback
From ACM TechNews

IRS Allows Taxpayers to Forgo Facial Recognition Amid Blowback

The Internal Revenue Service has walked back a requirement for taxpayers to use facial recognition to access their online accounts.

Crypto Scammers’ New Target: Dating Apps
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Crypto Scammers’ New Target: Dating Apps

"Everything was a lie," said one woman lured into a recent scam.

The C.D.C. Isn't Publishing Large Portions of the COVID Data It Collects
From ACM News

The C.D.C. Isn't Publishing Large Portions of the COVID Data It Collects

The agency has withheld critical data on boosters, hospitalizations and, until recently, wastewater analyses.

Where a Thousand Digital Eyes Keep Watch Over the Elderly
From ACM TechNews

Where a Thousand Digital Eyes Keep Watch Over the Elderly

Over 1,000 sensors line the streets of the Itami suburb of Osaka, Japan, as part of an effort to track elderly people with dementia.

As Automakers Add Technology to Cars, Software Bugs Follow
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As Automakers Add Technology to Cars, Software Bugs Follow

As automakers add technology to cars, software bugs follow.

The New Spy Wars
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The New Spy Wars

A tale about Israel, Pegasus, and the world.

How Cookie Banners Backfired
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How Cookie Banners Backfired

An extensive digital privacy law aimed to give internet users more control over their data. Instead, experts say, it's created "almost a useless exercise."

What Does a Forehand Winner Sound Like? Clink, Blip-Blip-Blip!
From ACM News

What Does a Forehand Winner Sound Like? Clink, Blip-Blip-Blip!

At the Australian Open tennis tournament, new technology is translating the movement of the ball into sounds to help blind and low-vision fans follow the action...

Everybody into the Metaverse! VR Beckons Big Tech
From ACM TechNews

Everybody into the Metaverse! VR Beckons Big Tech

Many believe mainstream use of the metaverse will be realized only when cumbersome augmented reality headsets tare replaced by lightweight eyeglass-like alternatives...

Navigational Apps for the Blind Could Have Broader Appeal
From ACM TechNews

Navigational Apps for the Blind Could Have Broader Appeal

New apps designed specifically for blind and low-vision people could also have mainstream appeal.

Navigational Apps for the Blind Could Have a Broader Appeal
From ACM News

Navigational Apps for the Blind Could Have a Broader Appeal

A proliferation of new apps designed to help blind and low vision people could prove useful for everyone.

Your Face Is, or Will Be, Your Boarding Pass
From ACM TechNews

Your Face Is, or Will Be, Your Boarding Pass

Many biometric identification innovations use facial recognition.

No Credit Score? No Problem! Just Hand Over More Data
From ACM News

No Credit Score? No Problem! Just Hand Over More Data

To determine your risk, start-ups are applying technology to data points as various as your college and the mileage on the used car you want to buy.
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