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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectPerformance And Reliability
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

N.s.a. Leak Puts Focus on System Administrators
From ACM News

N.s.a. Leak Puts Focus on System Administrators

Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who leaked details about American surveillance, personifies a debate at the heart of technology...

Medicine That Monitors You
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Medicine That Monitors You

They look like normal pills, oblong and a little smaller than a daily vitamin.

Web's Reach Binds N.s.a. and Silicon Valley Leaders
From ACM News

Web's Reach Binds N.s.a. and Silicon Valley Leaders

When Max Kelly, the chief security officer for Facebook, left the social media company in 2010, he did not go to Google, Twitter, or a similar Silicon Valley concern...

Sizing ­p Big Data, Broadening Beyond the Internet
From ACM Careers

Sizing ­p Big Data, Broadening Beyond the Internet

In his young career, Jeffrey Hammerbacher has been a scout on the frontiers of the data economy.

GPS Maps Reveal Where Cats Go All Day
From ACM News

GPS Maps Reveal Where Cats Go All Day

The mysterious comings and goings of our feline friends just got a little less mysterious. Researchers at the Royal Veterinary College loaded a group of cats in...

From ACM Careers

Study Gauges Value of Technology in Schools

With school districts rushing to buy computers, tablets, digital white boards, and other technology, a new report questions whether the investment is worth it.

Big Data Sleuthing, 1960s Style
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Big Data Sleuthing, 1960s Style

America's intelligence agencies have long prodded the frontiers of computing and data analysis as the most demanding of customers, willing to pay whatever it takes...

How the ­.s. ­ses Technology to Mine More Data More Quickly
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How the ­.s. ­ses Technology to Mine More Data More Quickly

When American analysts hunting terrorists sought new ways to comb through the troves of phone records, e-mails, and other data piling up as digital communications...

From ACM News

Administration Says Mining of Data Is Crucial to Fight Terror

In early September 2009, an e-mail passed through an Internet address in Peshawar, Pakistan, that was being monitored by the vast computers controlled by American...

If Our Gadgets Could Measure Our Emotions
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If Our Gadgets Could Measure Our Emotions

On a recent family outing, my mother and sister got into a shouting match. But they weren’t mad at each other—they were yelling at the iPhone’s turn-by-turn navigation...

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.
From ACM News

This Man Is Not a Cyborg. Yet.

Get right up close to Dmitry Itskov and sniff all you like—you will not pick up even the faintest hint of crazy.

Let's Play: Making Travel a Game
From ACM News

Let's Play: Making Travel a Game

It was a Sunday afternoon in SoHo and while most New Yorkers were having brunch, Makeda Peters and her boyfriend were on a street corner craning their necks at...

Hackers Find China Is Land of Opportunity
From ACM Careers

Hackers Find China Is Land of Opportunity

Name a target anywhere in China, an official at a state-owned company boasted recently, and his crack staff will break into that person's computer, download the...

Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care For the Aging
From ACM News

Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care For the Aging

In the opening scene of the movie "Robot & Frank," which takes place in the near future, Frank, an elderly man who lives alone, is arguing with his son about going...

Google Introduces New Search Tools to Try to Read Our Minds
From ACM News

Google Introduces New Search Tools to Try to Read Our Minds

The company revealed some new search tools on Wednesday at I/O, its annual developers conference.

Landlords Double as Energy Brokers
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Landlords Double as Energy Brokers

The trophy high-rises on Madison, Park, and Fifth Avenues in Manhattan have long commanded the top prices in the country for commercial real estate, with yearly...

A Quantum Computer Aces Its Test
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A Quantum Computer Aces Its Test

The long-sought quantum computer, a machine potentially far ahead of today's best supercomputers, is almost as hard to define as it is to build.

After an iPhone Is Snatched, a High-Speed Chase
From ACM News

After an iPhone Is Snatched, a High-Speed Chase

The woman was talking on her iPhone, and never saw coming her induction into a large and growing subset of crime victims.

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making
From ACM Careers

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making

Brian M. Krzanich, who on Thursday was named Intel's next chief executive, knows he faces a hefty challenge when he takes over the world's biggest maker of semiconductors...

Brain Computer Interfaces Inch Closer to Mainstream
From ACM News

Brain Computer Interfaces Inch Closer to Mainstream

Last week, engineers sniffing around the programming code for Google Glass found hidden examples of ways that people might interact with the wearable computers...
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