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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mobilizing Help for People Accused of Hacking
From ACM News

Mobilizing Help for People Accused of Hacking

When Senator Joseph R. McCarthy held hearings in the 1950s to question witnesses about their supposed ties to communism, critics accused him of fomenting a Red...

Costly Drone Is Poised to Replace ­-2 Spy Plane
From ACM News

Costly Drone Is Poised to Replace ­-2 Spy Plane

Tucked away here in the Mojave Desert, the assembly plant for the high-flying Global Hawk jet resembles a giant hobby shop. Work tables surround a handful of...

From ACM News

Pentagon Seeks a Few Good Social Networkers

The Pentagon is developing plans to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter as both a resource and a weapon in future conflicts. Its research and...

Can Microsoft Make You 'bing'?
From ACM News

Can Microsoft Make You 'bing'?

Mike Nichols has a poster on his office wall. It shows the young Muhammad Ali glaring down at a fallen Sonny Liston, the bruising heavyweight who had seemed invincible...

From ACM News

The Auteur vs. the Committee

At Apple, one is the magic number.

Colleges Join Plan For Faster Computer Networks
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Colleges Join Plan For Faster Computer Networks

A coalition of 29 American universities is throwing its weight behind a plan to build ultra-high-speed computer networks—with Internet service several hundred...

From ACM News

Decoding Your Email Personality

Imagine, if you will, a young Mark Zuckerberg circa 2003, tapping out mail messages from his Harvard dorm room. It's a safe bet he never would have guessed that...

To Track Militants, U.s. Has System That Never Forgets a Face
From ACM News

To Track Militants, U.s. Has System That Never Forgets a Face

When the Taliban dug an elaborate tunnel system beneath the largest prison in southern Afghanistan this spring, they set off a scramble to catch the 475 inmates...

In Search of a Robot More Like ­S
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In Search of a Robot More Like ­S

The robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks often begins speeches by reaching into his pocket, fiddling with some loose change, finding a quarter, pulling it out and twirling...

From ACM News

Panel Proposes Killing Webb Space Telescope

The House Appropriations Committee proposed Wednesday to kill the James Webb Space Telescope, the crown jewel of NASA’s astronomy plans for the next two decades...

With the Shuttle Program Ending, Fears of Decline at Nasa
From ACM News

With the Shuttle Program Ending, Fears of Decline at Nasa

As NASA prepares to launch its last space shuttle—ending 30 years in which large teams of creative scientists and engineers sent winged spaceships into orbit—it...

From ACM News

Hackers Select a New Target: Other Hackers

The hackers, calling themselves the A-Team, assembled a trove of private information and put it online for all to see: names, aliases, addresses, phone numbers...

From ACM News


My dad, who at 98 no longer drives, used to complain about women drivers, defensive drivers, slow drivers, cab drivers and, occasionally, fast drivers. I should...

From ACM News

Yahoo Creates Company to Profit From Hadoop Software

Recent successes at Yahoo are few and far between as it tries to overhaul a slumping business. One notable exception—at least for Silicon Valley’s engineers—is...

­.s. to Provide Guidelines to Bolster Computer Security
From ACM TechNews

­.s. to Provide Guidelines to Bolster Computer Security

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security will release a new system of guidelines intended to increase security in the software in many Web-based services. The...

From ACM News

Tamper-Proof Internet Security System Begins

A small group of Internet security specialists gathered in Singapore last week to start up a global system to make email and e-commerce more secure, end the proliferation...

A Start-Up
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A Start-Up

With an innovative camera due out later this year from a company called Lytro, photographers will have one less excuse for having missed that perfect shot.

Upending Anonymity, These Days the Web Unmasks Everyone
From ACM News

Upending Anonymity, These Days the Web Unmasks Everyone

Not too long ago, theorists fretted that the Internet was a place where anonymity thrived. Now, it seems, it is the place where anonymity dies.

War Evolves With Drones, Some Tiny as Bugs
From ACM News

War Evolves With Drones, Some Tiny as Bugs

Two miles from the cow pasture where the Wright Brothers learned to fly the first airplanes, military researchers are at work on another revolution in the air...

Thieves Found Citigroup Site an Easy Entry
From ACM News

Thieves Found Citigroup Site an Easy Entry

Think of it as a mansion with a high-tech security system—but the front door wasn’t locked tight.
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