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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Search Technology Is Enhanced With Videos
From ACM News

New Search Technology Is Enhanced With Videos

The line between cyberspace and the physical world is blurring with a new search technology being demonstrated by Autonomy, a British software publisher.

Ruling Spurs Effort to Form Digital Public Library
From ACM News

Ruling Spurs Effort to Form Digital Public Library

Is the tantalizing dream of a universal library dead? Some scholars and librarians across the country fear it may be, now that a federal judge in New York has...

In a New Web World, No Application Is an Island
From ACM News

In a New Web World, No Application Is an Island

The Web is poised for a comeback. How’s that? Isn’t the Web already the crucial utility of online commerce, information and entertainment? In many ways, it certainly...

Swiping Is the Easy Part
From ACM News

Swiping Is the Easy Part

The cellphone has been more than a cellphone for years, but soon it could take on an entirely new role—standing in for all of the credit and debit cards crammed...

Security Firm Is Vague on Its Compromised Devices
From ACM News

Security Firm Is Vague on Its Compromised Devices

More than a day after RSA security posted an "urgent" alert warning that a sophisticated intruder might be able to initiate a "broad attack" on a password device...

Keeping Tabs on the Infrastructure, Wirelessly
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Keeping Tabs on the Infrastructure, Wirelessly

Engineers routinely inspect bridges and other structures for cracks and corrosion. But because they can’t always be there in person, one highly intelligent bridge...

From ACM News

Quake Moved Japan Closer to U.S. and Altered Earth's Spin

The magnitude-8.9 earthquake that struck northern Japan on Friday not only violently shook the ground and generated a devastating tsunami, it also moved the coastline...

From ACM News

Researchers Show How a Car's Electronics Can Be Taken Over Remotely

With a modest amount of expertise, computer hackers could gain remote access to someone's car—just as they do to people's personal computers—and take over the...

From ACM News

Software Progress Beats Moore

One of the old jokes in computing is that what the hardware giveth, the software taketh away.

Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software
From ACM News

Armies of Expensive Lawyers, Replaced by Cheaper Software

When five television studios became entangled in a Justice Department antitrust lawsuit against CBS, the cost was immense. As part of the obscure task of "discovery"—providing...

From ACM Opinion

Google Schools Its Algorithm

To humans, computer intelligence is a puzzle, as if the machines have split personalities. They can be so remarkably smart at times, yet so bafflingly dumb at...

The New Police Siren: You
From ACM News

The New Police Siren: You

Joe Bader tried setting the two tones of his invention four notes apart on the musical scale, but the result sounded like music, not a siren. Same thing when...

Remapping Computer Circuitry to Avert Impending Bottlenecks
From ACM News

Remapping Computer Circuitry to Avert Impending Bottlenecks

Hewlett-Packard researchers have proposed a fundamental rethinking of the modern computer for the coming era of nanoelectronics—a marriage of memory and computing...

Moonlighting Within Microsoft, in Pursuit of New Apps
From ACM News

Moonlighting Within Microsoft, in Pursuit of New Apps

If you have a smartphone, you probably have apps on it to check the news, play games, help with shopping or further a hobby like travel or bird-watching. But...

New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi ­sers
From ACM News

New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi ­sers

You may think the only people capable of snooping on your Internet activity are government intelligence agents or possibly a talented teenage hacker holed up...

Facebook Officials Keep Quiet on Its Role in Revolts
From ACM News

Facebook Officials Keep Quiet on Its Role in Revolts

With Facebook playing a starring role in the revolts that toppled governments in Tunisia and Egypt, you might think the company’s top executives would use this...

On 'jeopardy,' Watson's a Natural
From ACM News

On 'jeopardy,' Watson's a Natural

In the end, the humans on "Jeopardy!" surrendered meekly.

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Mature Mobile Industry Moves to Keep Customers It Has

In the pioneer days of the mobile phone industry, wireless carriers raced to put phones in the hands of the unconnected masses. With cellphones now ubiquitous...

From ACM News


The last time NASA visited the Tempel 1 comet, it was with fireworks, on July 4, 2005. On that day, the Deep Impact spacecraft slammed an 820-pound projectile...

From ACM News

Web Words That Lure the Readers

The Huffington Post has hired veteran journalists to beef up its news coverage. But a significant chunk of its readers come instead for articles like one published...
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