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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Intel Spreads Its ­niversity Research Bets

Computing in general is increasingly applying the old engineering dictum, divide and conquer. Look at the engines behind cloud computing—vast, distributed armies...

From ACM News

In Pursuit of Qubits, Uniting Subatomic Particles By the Billions

In a step toward a generation of ultrafast computers, physicists have used bursts of radio waves to briefly create 10 billion quantum-entangled pairs of subatomic...

Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay
From ACM News

Israel Tests on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay

The Dimona complex in the Negev desert is famous as the heavily guarded heart of Israel’s never-acknowledged nuclear arms program, where neat rows of factories...

From ACM News

Graphics Ability Is the New Goal For Chip Makers

In the good old days, it was all about speed.

From ACM News

Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You

Hundreds of correctional officers from prisons across America descended last spring on a shuttered penitentiary in West Virginia for annual training exercises...

When Innovation, Too, Is Made in China
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When Innovation, Too, Is Made in China

As a national strategy, China is trying to build an economy that relies on innovation rather than imitation.

Perfecting Animation, via Science
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Perfecting Animation, via Science

Eitan Grinspun, the director of Columbia University’s Computer Graphics Group, doesn't quite qualify as hairdresser to the stars.

What's Around the Bend? Soon, a Camera May Show You
From ACM News

What's Around the Bend? Soon, a Camera May Show You

Anyone who has witnessed the megapixel one-upmanship in camera ads might think that computer chips run the show in digital photography.

From ACM News

I.b.m. Supercomputer 'watson' to Challenge 'jeopardy' Stars

An I.B.M. supercomputer system named after the company’s founder, Thomas J. Watson Sr., is almost ready for a televised test: a bout of questioning on the quiz...

From ACM News

Cyberattacks Are Retaliation for Pressure on WikiLeaks

A small army of activist hackers orchestrated a broad campaign of cyberattacks on Wednesday in support of the beleaguered antisecrecy organization WikiLeaks,...

War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat
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War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat

War would be a lot safer, the Army says, if only more of it were fought by robots.

Web Browsing Takes a Social Turn
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Web Browsing Takes a Social Turn

Silicon Valley is awash in tales of the "PayPal Mafia," the tight-knit group of PayPal alumni who have helped one another start and finance a crop of new companies...

From ACM News

With Kinect, Microsoft Aims for a Game Changer

Tim Nichols measures fun. A slim, 32-year-old psychologist, he spends his days behind a one-way mirror at Microsoft’s video games research center here, watching...

Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic
From ACM News

Google Cars Drive Themselves, in Traffic

Anyone driving the twists of Highway 1 between San Francisco and Los Angeles recently may have glimpsed a Toyota Prius with a curious funnel-like cylinder on...

From ACM News

Iran Denies Malware Connection to Nuclear Delay

Iranian officials announced Monday that a "small leak" was the cause of the latest setback to starting up its first nuclear power plant, and said the delay had...

Aiming to Learn As We Do, a Machine Teaches Itself
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Aiming to Learn As We Do, a Machine Teaches Itself

Give a computer a task that can be crisply defined—win at chess, predict the weather—and the machine bests humans nearly every time. Yet when problems are nuanced...

From ACM News

In a Computer Worm, a Possible Biblical Clue

Deep inside the computer worm that some specialists suspect is aimed at slowing Iran's race for a nuclear weapon lies what could be a fleeting reference to the...

3D Printing Spurs a Manufacturing Revolution
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3D Printing Spurs a Manufacturing Revolution

Businesses in the South Park district of San Francisco generally sell either Web technology or sandwiches and burritos. Bespoke Innovations plans to sell designer...

From ACM News

Advances Offer Path to Shrink Computer Chip

Scientists at Rice University and Hewlett-Packard are reporting this week that they can overcome a fundamental barrier to the continued rapid miniaturization...

From ACM News


On the Internet, he was known as BadB, a disembodied criminal flitting from one server to another selling stolen credit card numbers despite being pursued by...
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