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authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Next For Virtual Reality: Video, Without the Games
From ACM News

Next For Virtual Reality: Video, Without the Games

Nearly all the hype around virtual reality—much of it fanned by Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition of Oculus VR, the headset maker—is about how the technology can...

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell
From ACM Opinion

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel's Genevieve Bell

Genevieve Bell grew up among Aboriginal people in Australia, taught anthropology at Stanford and for the past 16 years has worked for Intel.

New Dimension in Scoreboard Watching
From ACM News

New Dimension in Scoreboard Watching

The seemingly endless prairie that blankets this part of the United States would seem to be an unlikely place for one of the largest makers of sports video displays...

Real-Life Illness in a Virtual World
From ACM News

Real-Life Illness in a Virtual World

A 3-D animated creature, affectionately named Gerald, appears to walk in circles while floating in front of an elaborate viewer that resembles something from an...

Principles Are No Match For Europe's Love of U.s. Web Titans
From ACM News

Principles Are No Match For Europe's Love of U.s. Web Titans

On weekends, Guillaume Rosquin browses the shelves of local bookstores in Lyon, France.

Tackling the Limits of Touch Screens
From ACM News

Tackling the Limits of Touch Screens

Touch screens are ubiquitous on tablets and smartphones, but their flat glass surfaces can hinder close reading and accurate typing.

Devices That Know How We Really Feel
From ACM News

Devices That Know How We Really Feel

Admit it: Sometimes you just want to punch your PC, or slap your smartphone, or knock your notebook.

­p Close on Baseball's Borders
From ACM News

­p Close on Baseball's Borders

Steve Rushin of Sports Illustrated has called the line running through Connecticut that separates Yankee fans and Red Sox fans the Munson-Nixon line.

The Cloud Industry Needs Aereo to Win. But Consumers Need Something Better.
From ACM Opinion

The Cloud Industry Needs Aereo to Win. But Consumers Need Something Better.

The best way to think about Aereo, the company at the center of this week's Supreme Court battle over the future of computing, is as an example of legal performance...

Google ­ses Algorithms to Create Slr-Like Photos
From ACM TechNews

Google ­ses Algorithms to Create Slr-Like Photos

Google has developed an algorithm that can generate photographic images with a depth of field similar to pictures taken by a single lens reflex camera. 

If You Like Immersion, You'll Love This Reality
From ACM Opinion

If You Like Immersion, You'll Love This Reality

The news that Facebook paid $2 billion for a virtual reality start-up, Oculus VR, might strike you as a bit zany.

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It
From ACM Careers

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It

When Butler fell a precious few inches short of winning a national championship in 2010, its players took the court during that season believing they were the most...

Ticket Pricing Puts 'lion King' Atop Broadway's Circle of Life
From ACM News

Ticket Pricing Puts 'lion King' Atop Broadway's Circle of Life

How did "The Lion King" turn around its once-shaky fortunes and become the top-grossing show on Broadway in 2013, an unprecedented feat for long-running musicals...

Capturing Football's Snaps, Crackles, and Pops in Madden Nfl
From ACM Careers

Capturing Football's Snaps, Crackles, and Pops in Madden Nfl

The football players strutted down a 40-yard strip of synthetic turf, yelling, jumping and flailing their arms to whip the fans into a frenzy.

The Holodeck Begins to Take Shape
From ACM TechNews

The Holodeck Begins to Take Shape

Holodecks similar to the simulated-reality rooms seen on "Star Trek" could be available by 2024, according to some scientists and researchers. 

Spy Agencies Tap Data Streaming From Phone Apps
From ACM News

Spy Agencies Tap Data Streaming From Phone Apps

When a smartphone user opens Angry Birds, the popular game application, and starts slinging birds at chortling green pigs, spies could be lurking in the background...

Ibm to Announce More Powerful Watson via the Internet
From ACM News

Ibm to Announce More Powerful Watson via the Internet

Welcome to the age of supercomputing for everyone.

Making Robots More Like ­S
From ACM News

Making Robots More Like ­S

On a recent morning Natanel Dukan walked into the Paris offices of the French robot maker Aldebaran and noticed one of the company's humanoid NAO robots sitting...

Bit By Bit, Virtual Reality Heads For the Holodeck
From ACM News

Bit By Bit, Virtual Reality Heads For the Holodeck

While sitting in a stuffy Hollywood hotel conference room recently, I plotted my next move outside a snow-covered, ancient castle.

And Then Steve Said, 'let There Be an Iphone'
From ACM News

And Then Steve Said, 'let There Be an Iphone'

The 55 miles from Campbell to San Francisco make for one of the nicest commutes anywhere.
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