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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Applications
authorThe New York Times

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

'Very Harmful' Lack of Data Blunts U.S. Response to Outbreaks
From ACM News

'Very Harmful' Lack of Data Blunts U.S. Response to Outbreaks

Major data gaps, the result of decades of underinvestment in public health, have undercut the government response to the coronavirus, and now to monkeypox.

YouTube's Dislike Button Rarely Shifts Recommendations
From ACM TechNews

YouTube's Dislike Button Rarely Shifts Recommendations

Mozilla Foundation researchers found pressing the "dislike" button on a YouTube video does little to improve the videos chosen by the YouTube platform's recommender...

Clearview AI, Used by Police to Find Criminals, Is Now in Public Defenders' Hands
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Clearview AI, Used by Police to Find Criminals, Is Now in Public Defenders' Hands

After a Florida man was accused of vehicular homicide, his lawyer used Clearview AI's facial recognition software to prove his innocence.

The Supply Chain Broke. Robots Are Supposed to Help Fix It
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The Supply Chain Broke. Robots Are Supposed to Help Fix It

The companies behind e-commerce are embracing automation as the means of transcending the limitations of humans.

How Silicon Chips Rule the World
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How Silicon Chips Rule the World

Maintaining the flow of oil is still crucial for the world economy. But now the supply of semiconductors is also critical for commerce, and war and peace.

The Animal Translators
From ACM TechNews

The Animal Translators

Researchers are using machine learning systems to decode animal communication.

TikTok Browser Can Track Users' Keystrokes
From ACM TechNews

TikTok Browser Can Track Users' Keystrokes

A privacy researcherfound the TikTok video application's Web browser can track users' keystrokes.

The Rise of the Worker Productivity Score
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The Rise of the Worker Productivity Score

Across industries and incomes, more employees are being tracked, recorded and ranked. What is gained, companies say, is efficiency and accountability. What is lost...

A.I. Is Not Sentient. Why Do People Say It Is?
From ACM News

A.I. Is Not Sentient. Why Do People Say It Is?

Robots can't think or feel, despite what the researchers who build them want to believe.

In a Post-Roe World, the Future of Digital Privacy Looks Even Grimmer
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In a Post-Roe World, the Future of Digital Privacy Looks Even Grimmer

The sheer amount of tech tools and knowledge required to discreetly seek an abortion underlines how wide open we are to surveillance.

Robots Aren't Done Reshaping Warehouses
From ACM News

Robots Aren't Done Reshaping Warehouses

The pace of automation has accelerated in the pandemic, as big players invest billions in their efforts to streamline how goods are sorted and shipped.

Even in Death, Internet Explorer Lives On in South Korea
From ACM News

Even in Death, Internet Explorer Lives On in South Korea

Why a country known for blazing broadband and innovative devices remains tethered to a browser that most of the world abandoned long ago.

Can Virtual Reality Help Autistic Children Navigate the Real World?
From ACM News

Can Virtual Reality Help Autistic Children Navigate the Real World?

One company, Floreo, is hoping their tools will lead the way, despite some criticisms from autism self-advocates.

3D Printing Grows Beyond Its Novelty Roots
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3D Printing Grows Beyond Its Novelty Roots

With the technology improving and costs falling, 3D printing could be poised to play a major role in manufacturing.

The Avatars Wear Prada
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The Avatars Wear Prada

And Balenciaga and Thom Browne. Meta opens a new fashion store for the metaverse. Should you shop?

How 'Trustless' Is Bitcoin, Really?
From ACM News

How 'Trustless' Is Bitcoin, Really?

In myth, the cryptocurrency is egalitarian, decentralized and all but anonymous. The reality is very different, scientists have found.

Killer Asteroids Are Hiding in Plain Sight. A New Tool Helps Spot Them
From ACM News

Killer Asteroids Are Hiding in Plain Sight. A New Tool Helps Spot Them

Researchers have built an algorithm that can scan old astronomical images for unnoticed space rocks, helping to detect objects that could one day imperil Earth....

The Man Who Controls Computers With His Mind
From ACM News

The Man Who Controls Computers With His Mind

Sixteen years ago, Dennis DeGray was paralyzed in an accident. Now, implants in his brain allow him some semblance of control.

Cryptocurrencies Melt Down in a 'Perfect Storm' of Fear and Panic
From ACM News

Cryptocurrencies Melt Down in a 'Perfect Storm' of Fear and Panic

A steep sell-off that gained momentum this week starkly illustrated the risks of the experimental and unregulated digital currencies.

Crowdfunding a War: How Online Appeals Are Bringing Weapons to Ukraine
From ACM News

Crowdfunding a War: How Online Appeals Are Bringing Weapons to Ukraine

The online campaign has tapped into widespread Western sympathy and produced meaningful donations for the country's war effort.
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